Thursday, November 3, 2011

Darn It

While at work the other day one of the young ladies mentioned she had a hole in her knit scarf. I suggested she just darn it . She gave me a quizzical look and said,"what." I repeated that she should just darn it. She smiled and said, but it is one of my favorites. Then I was confused. So,why not fix it then ? Fix it ? I thought you said darn it ! I did. This was turning into an Abbott and Costello routine. Finally I realized this young lady had no clue what darning was. She thought I was being polite or old fashioned in saying ,darn it, meaning another expression. Damn it ! People have probably been saying that for ages when their articles got the hole in them though. So I explained to her what darning was.
I admit I hadn't thought about darning in many years,if at all. It is not like it is something I have done a lot of. But I know the principal behind it and could do it if necessary. I do have a darning needle and wool. I don't have a darning egg, but a light bulb or hard ball would suffice. Wonder what happened to Grandmas darning egg anyway ?
I know about darning mostly from an incident in my childhood. Mom was sick in bed and it was time to go to church. I put on my Sunday go to meetings. A gray wool suit. I came downstairs in that suit and Dad noticed I had a hole in the pant leg. This hole was about the size of a quarter. After being grilled about that,by what seemed like the Spanish Inquisition, it was decided it needed immediate repair. Take them britches off boy and I'll darn them. Dad would often use funny words like britches. I still remember him darning that hole and the patch that was left in its' place. I would say it wasn't the neatest repair but it worked. It was kinda cool I thought. I was very impressed that he knew how to do that. A man that could sew. And he wasn't a bit ashamed of it either. Now there is a pioneer for you. I expect Davy Crockett knew how to sew.
Over the years I saw Mom make a few repairs using that method. I expect they aren't many who do that anymore. In our throw away society there is no need. I'm thinking that is where the image we have of socks with different colored toes came from. The heels and toes always go first so it makes sense that they would be repaired and with whatever color was available. But the truth is you could darn just about anything and repair it. Sweaters,jackets,scarfs,trousers, you name it.
I'm thinking back in the day it must have been pleasant.No television or radio blaring. Just Mom sitting in her rocker darning up the socks and such. Enjoying a little conversation and telling you tales about her childhood. A wicker basket on the floor overflowing with items waiting for her. Wonder if Norman Rockwell ever painted a scene like that ? These kids today don't know what they are missing out on. Why,I remember a time when~~~ 

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