Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I've been told by someone that I write too much about the past. My reply was, I can't write about the future,it isn't here yet. And I have a tendency to go on a bit of a rant about current events. Someone said,you can't please all of the people all of the time,and you can't argue with that. I do enjoy sharing my memories with others. Not much fun to just share with yourself,after all, I already know the ending to the story. Well,I suppose there is one story I don't know the ending to, but I don't want to know either. I'll just continue to muddle along writing down these random thoughts and memories of mine.
This morning I was thinking what we really need is the good news network. A news station that only reports the more positive things in life. The evening news is just getting too depressing. Murder,rape,graft,corruption and child abuse. The world economy is failing. Global warming. Save the Whales. And it just goes on and on. I'm willing to bet on the evening news there is less than 5% of good news reported.
I'm not advocating not reporting all this news, but I'm just saying it would be great to have an escape plan. Some mornings when I get up, I just wake up happy. You know,for unknown reasons you just feel great. The morning coffee is smelling great,the birds are singing,and there is a little spring in your step. Click on the tube and " slap " three people have been murdered and a child is missing ! There goes my day. Someone just pi**ed in my Wheaties. Too bad I don't have a good news network ! Click on the tube and hear a heartwarming tale about a puppy and a small child. Ah,that's better. Maybe a story about a family that is uplifting and inspiring. If I could I'd start the PNN. The positive news network. On this network there wouldn't be two hour shows trying to explain things,I'd just have them say, God works in mysterious ways, or another miracle has taken place. Now those are headlines !
Even an Ostrich has to pull his head out of the sand every once in a while. I'm just thinking it would be nice to stick it in the sand once in a while too. Just seems to me that there is way too much bad news being reported. Seems like there is way too much of the down side and not enough of the up. I see way too many fundraisers for those in need and  few gatherings to just say thanks and celebrate being alive. Almost every event now days is associated with someone making a buck, somehow. Either the event is asking for donations or someone is selling something. Think about it. True isn't it ? I realize that it has always been so. There were people selling lemonade at hangings in the old days so it is nothing new. I also recall in my Bible Jesus throwing the money changers out of the temple. And what one of us could question his motives ? I don't think so.
I would like to see, one day, a gathering of community just for the purpose of enjoying one another. No preaching,speech making,and no selling anything ! Bring Your Own whatever ! Sort of a community meet and greet. A time to just say hello,I'm your neighbor. Putting a name to a face makes all the difference !
Well now, there is a random thought or two. 

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