Sunday, November 13, 2011

Venting !

Can charity go too far ? Isn't there a parable about teaching a man to fish ? I was thinking about those very things while at work the other day. As I watched the Little Debbie Snack cakes,potato chips and cookies piling up in a shopping cart. This person with two small children struggling to read her WIC voucher seemed unconcerned or unaware of the cost of the items. She certainly never checked the price and just literally threw them into the cart. I see this all the time and it annoys me ! I don't mind helping out and I wouldn't see any child hungry, but something in that picture needs to change. When those receiving assistance have far more buying power than those of us providing the assistance, something just ain't right ! Could we not at least limit the number of unhealthy choices and perhaps save ourselves additional health care expenses ? No, we can't. Wouldn't want to be accused(or possibly sued) for discrimination. It is a perfectly acceptable practice now to look a gift horse in the mouth ! You can pull his teeth too, if you can gain from that. Just Sayin'.
 A common sense review of the list of approved items is definitely in order here. But there you go, common sense. The government uses little of that ! Certain generic food items are not approved but instead the higher priced name brand item is required. Does that make sense ? The nutritional value is exactly the same and us working folks have to buy generic because we are paying taxes,medical care,rent,childcare and paying for the social programs. Look, I'll give you the butter but you need to spread it yourself !
Almost everything is printed in two languages these days,at a minimum. Spanish being the more common one. The WIC vouchers however are not ! Why not ? I don't know the answer to that one other than to say it is a lack of common sense. Take a look at the statistics and see if there is a need. I haven't checked those numbers but I bet I know the answer. It sure would make things easier at the checkout ! I certainly don't think the store should have to employ or have translators at the registers ! It is almost as though the government wishes to force us into being bilingual ! Guess I'm part of the old school but I'm an American and I speak English ! Deal with it. When I travel to your country I'll bring along my translator app.
Look, I'm just sayin' , these bleeding heart types are going to bleed us to death ! Whatever happened to God helps those who help themselves ? Maybe a little embarrassment or shame would be a motivator. Oh no mustn't damage someones sense of self worth. Just because you entered my country illegally,have no skills,no education,several small children and are dependent upon the generosity of my nation is no reason you shouldn't have everything I have and more !
There ! I said it and I feel better for it. It has always been so and will always be so. The minority alienate the majority. There are always those that manipulate the system and take advantage. It is this group that causes the unrest and tension. There is little to be done about it. It is a catch 22. Still,it makes me mad !

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