Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Last night I helped make the Turkey cookies for the kids to take to school today. I usually get dragged into these projects. It will start with finding directions on the web or seeing something in a magazine. My wife does the baking,when necessary,and I help with the decorating and transportation.
In this particular instance a fellow blogger had posted this project. The Title of her blog is " A Joyful Chaos " and I thank her for this. Showing the picture to my wife, it was decided. Instead of the usual cupcakes we would make the turkeys.
A couple of trips to the store and we had gathered all the necessary supplies. With the first batch my Granddaughter Morgan was here and was a big help. She was doing the eyes and feet. Soon she had to leave for dance and I was appointed to take over her position. We needed a total of forty five for the two kids. After a bit the total was increased a bit to about sixty. We worked at the kitchen table,assembly line fashion. The whole process went fairly smoothly. A few modifications were made to the original directions and we persevered. It really didn't take all that long.
I think they came out wonderful ! I'm sure the kids at school will get a kick out of them. And they are delicious. Oreo cookies,peanut butter cup,candy corn and icing. All the good junk ! Oh,almost forgot the malted milk ball.
I have to thank my wife for this. Without her " encouragement " I would not get involved. It is that way with a lot of the projects I do. I guess you could say she " motivates " me. After a pep talk from her, I just jump right in there. Get the job done. I'm always pleased when the task is complete. Down right proud of myself on occasion. And it is all due to her inspiration ! I think I'm like a lot of men I need a little nudge now and again. My wife is my life coach and she is doing a wonderful job.
I wonder why it is that some men are slow starters. In my case I may conceive of the plan but am reluctant to begin. That is where the coach comes in. Offering encouragement and motivation to get the job done. Positive reinforcement the professionals call it. Although I admit sometimes it sounds like a threat. I am always assured that it is not. I owe a lot to my coach. She has molded my character and kept me from straying off the beaten path. I admit I am sometimes reluctant to participate in these little projects and would not without her motivation. I am always glad that I did and readily accept the praise and admiration for it ! I like that part most of all.
We make an excellent team. My wife works just as hard as I do. We are equal partners. Each of us have our strengths and weaknesses. Her strength just happens to be " motivational speaking ". And keeping your nose to the grindstone ! Persistent, unfaltering, motivation is how I would describe it.
OK,Turkeys  Line Up !
Thank You, Dear. I love you.

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