Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Giving Thanks

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. A day of feasting and family. We all know the stories about the Pilgrims and the Indians. Dang,Native Americans,don't think I 'll ever get used to that. Each family has its' own traditions.Some families gather in reunion strength, and others with just the circle of family in close proximity.
Growing up that was the way it was with us. Almost every year it was the same few family members that were close by. Never a very large gathering. I always assumed that was just a television thing. I figured unless they were wealthy people, that never really happened. It was just an urban legend to us. Mom would remark every year that it was a good thing that we didn't, because it would be a fight.
I have heard of families going out to have Thanksgiving dinner. That concept is totally foreign to me. I can't imagine why anyone would want to do that. The closest I came was when I was in the Navy. And let me tell you it doesn't compare in any way,shape or form ! The turkey is there but that is all ! Very depressing.
The wife and I will be going over to our sons house. He has more room and a bigger table. We will be going over first thing in the morning to help with the preparations. Getting the feast all together and enjoying the company of your family is the best part of the day. The food afterwards is just the bonus round. My son manages the grocery store and has to be there. He will come in about three. It is a shame he has to miss most of the day but somebody has to work.
The grand kids are getting older now and can help with some of the prep. They can start forming some of their own traditions. Miss Morgan is getting to be quite the little homemaker ! I suppose we are not supposed to think in those terms anymore. Call me old fashioned and a chauvinist but a good domestic education is essential for a young lady. Nothing more attractive to a man than a domestic diva ! Good looks and good food ! Soon Mark will have to be instructed in the manly art of carving the turkey. That is tradition. The head of the house carves the bird ! The man is always the head of the house. If his wife allows it. LOL
I'm looking forward to the day. I'm thankful. Thankful for a lot of things. Thankful for the love of family. If you have that,you've got it all. And we all know who we have to thank for that ! Amen, pass the potatoes.

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