Sunday, May 8, 2011

Small steps and milestones

Another milestone was reached yesterday. My Grandson,who is ten,rode his bicycle from his house to mine;alone ! That's right,alone. Earlier in the day his Grandmother had taken him to the fishing derby here in town. It is an annual event for kids from 6 to 16. Following that he went home and his parents had purchased him a new bicycle. He had out grown the old one. Then he was allowed to ride this bike to Grandma's house.
I heard a knocking on the door and when I answered it,there he was. Imagine my surprise. I was greeted with," Hi Grandpa." Just as nonchalant as if this happened every day. He showed me his new bicycle and then off he went. I was pleased and somewhat saddened at the same time. He is growing up. I remember taking the training wheels off his bike. I remember watching him pedal in front of his house. " You can go from stop sign to stop sign" and watch out for cars ! " Stay where I can see you !" And now he is pedaling around the corner and out of sight.
I am pleased that he is responsible enough to be allowed to do this. That he has grown enough to know the way home and around town. He is becoming independent ! Just like it was with my own children it is difficult to realize that he is not dependant upon you for everything. Small steps and milestones. I think gaining this Independence is a major milestone. I know it was for me. Almost like getting your drivers license. I'll worry for a while about this freedom. Worry that he doesn't get hurt,worry that he acts responsible, and worry that he may not want to hang with Grandpa anymore. After all, he has wheels now !
It's not that I didn't see this coming. We have allowed him to ride ahead of us coming and going from school. We allowed him to take an alternate road,out of sight,as long as he returned to the original path in a minute or two. I knew this day would come but not this soon. I know I sound like an old doting Grandfather. Guess I am. He has been with us since his birth and I've watched him grow. Grandma has watched him all these years too. Seen him almost every day. We were both present when he took his first steps. I'm pretty sure we bought him his first bicycle. Now the question is,will he ride toward us or away ? Isn't that what we all ask ourselves with our children or grandchildren? Well,he is on the road to Independence ! I'm pleased.
On the Road

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