Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A change in routine

Summer is rapidly approaching. Summer to me is not necessarily calender summer but a change in routine.
The school year ends and the kids are now" full time." That's summer. The grand daughters ballet classes are over for this season and we have the recital to attend. Baseball has started.
Our daily schedule becomes different. It stays light outside longer and I stay up later as a result. We will be engaging in different activities. Fishing and crabbing, Barbecues and picnics. Trips to the park. Camping.
The kids will go to church camp for a week. During that time we get a Little lost. No kids ! Hooray,well it is a little boring without them and I miss them.
I'm hearing we may go to Virginia beach this year for a short family vacation. I'm not involved in the planning,my daughter in law does that, I just go and enjoy. I am always glad for summer because we do get to spend more time with the kids. Oh,yeah, our own kids as well. Summer affords us the opportunity to get together in the early evening for a quick grilling session.
I'll have to get the window a/c units down from the attic. Clean them up and put 'em in the windows. As the temperature rises so does the electric bill. That's summer. Fold up those heavy blankets and put them away.
The carnivals will be cranking up. Ours is usually in July in conjunction with the fireworks. Don't get any more summer than that.
I noticed that a pizza place in a neighboring town now has tables on the sidewalk. That's a summer thing that is starting to catch on more every year. Soon the weekend traffic to the beach will kick in full gear. Then I'll adjust my schedule for any travel around that. Friday afternoon and Sunday evenings; stay home! Beach traffic, where everyone is in a hurry. Must get there as fast as possible,the ocean is going away. The prevalent attitude is, I'm going to the beach,even if it kills me or someone else. That's summer.
The grass needs to be cut and the weed eating done.Fresh mulch and prepare the garden. Clean the gutters and wash the siding. Need to put weed killer in the gaps between the stepping stones. Oh, and the pool. Have to get the pool ready.
I'm really looking forward to fall. The best time of the year. Except for raking leaves and putting all the summer stuff away again. Winter glorious winter. Indoors where it is warm and cozy. Christmas. Jack frost nipping at your nose. Then it snows ! Well there is always the spring !

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