Friday, May 27, 2011

A Marriage

Eleven years ago today my son married. I couldn't have known how much this would change my life. To be honest about it ,I never gave it a thought. It was something I always expected would happen. Just a part of life. Naturally I hoped he would make a good choice. Well,he did. I would like to say it was my counsel and guidance that brought him to that decision, but probably not. One can only hope to be a positive influence in their lives.
This wonderful girl has given me two of the best Grand kids anyone could ask for. They are the joy of my life. She,herself,has always been a joy and pleasure. She fit into the family like a finger in a glove. She accepted us,just as we are, as readily as we accepted her. She is industrious and giving. Two qualities I particulary admire. My son has indeed made an excellent choice. Although to be truthful it did have to be a mutual agreement. His bargaining skills must have been outstanding.
The past eleven years have gone by so quickly. We have witnessed the birth of two grand children, been on numerous vacations together, ate, laughed and loved. My deepest wish is that they are as happy together as I am that they are. There is no greater happiness than a loving wife. Hate the word spouse ! Sounds like some kinda offshoot of something. Just sayin'. I'm looking forward to many more years together. Maria,can stay with Kevin if she wants too.

Kevin and Maria
27 May 2000

1 comment:

  1. How true! I love all the people that have married my children and pray that they are all as happy as we are and stay married until the very end. I can't imagine life without any of them now!
