Saturday, May 14, 2011

A Reminder

The other day there was an interruption in service on the website I use to write this blog. Although the website and its services are free I was still upset. I somehow felt deprived. What do you mean it's not available ?
How am I supposed to write my blog ? Someone needs to look into this. I was on Facebook chatting with fellow bloggers about this issue too. I think most felt the way I did.
It was like not having my morning coffee. I was grumpy. Now what I am supposed to do ? The site posted they would be down for about an hour for maintenance. Some hour ! Sure glad they're not sending out the emergency responders. Could be awhile before help arrives.
Now that it back up and running and I have calmed down,like a junkie getting his fix,I am taking a different look. The phrase,looking a gift horse in the mouth,comes to mind. I pay nothing for the service they provide. I really should have no expectation of service at all. It is a gift from the cyber world. Instead of complaining I should have been more patient and understanding. The advertisers that pay for the site have a right to be upset. I did not. It just got me to thinking how quickly we can all take things for granted. I am guilty of that infraction,A lot.
I'm thinking that is one thing in the modern world that we need to re-evaluate. Expectations. We are a bit spoiled now a days. We expect all our technology to work all the time. When things don't go as expected we tend to complain and get upset. A few of us will try to remedy whatever the problem is but the majority of us will just complain. Stupid cell phone ! Why doesn't it work 300 feet underground while I'm exploring caves ! I might miss an important call. If the air conditioner breaks it is a crisis. And OMG a favorite website is experiencing problems. We are getting too used to having everything our way,right away.
I'm guilty as charged. I will try not to have such lofty expectations in the future. A free service that I should just be grateful for and all I did was complain. Well, it did upset my day. My routine was interrupted and I was lost there for a minute or two. Maybe they should have been more considerate of us users. After all we are the reason they have a job at all. I should have been mad. I was justified.
Truthfully though it did remind me to not take things for granted. We all need these little reminders every now and then.

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