Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day

I have been thinking about what I would write about for this day. Tracing my family roots back I can honestly say we have had participants in every war or conflict this nation has been in. I have not discovered anyone however that was killed in action. To the best of my knowledge we always returned home. I am grateful for that. The lord surely has protected my ancestors, as well as my nation.
Memorial day,formerly known as Decoration Day,is to remember those fallen veterans. Today we tend to group all Veterans together, but that was not the intent. The day was intended to remember those killed in action.
 Decoration Day began shortly after the Civil War. Families of those lost in that great struggle went to the cemetery and decorated the grave. Speeches were made and picnic lunches were eaten. It was an all day affair. The day was spent in remembrance.
 In modern times this has been reduced to placing an American flag on the graves of all veterans. Some places the Veterans associations go to the cemeteries and render a 21 gun salute followed by the playing of taps. In others little is done. Most places have a parade. Now the day is a happy occasion filled with picnics and music concerts. I expect the tone was a lot different when the setting was in the cemetery. Surely,it was a reminder of the purpose of the day.
In 1967 the Government officially changed the name to Memorial Day, as well as making the holiday always fall on last Monday in May. Some veterans opposed this change. Some felt it was wrong to change the date because the original date was chosen because no major battle had been fought on that day. Many felt it was disrespectful to change the date to make it more convenient. There is a bill afoot to have the date and name restored. In December of 2000 a National Day of Remembrance bill was passed that asks for all citizens to pause at 3PM on Memorial day and observe a minute of silence for those fallen.
The Grand Army of the Republic was one of the first veterans groups formed. It was composed of members of the Union Army. Formed in 1866 and dissolved in 1956 when the last survivor of that war passed away.
My 2nd Great Grandfather was a member of the Grand Army of the Republic. I wonder what his thoughts would be. It was that group that petitioned the Government for the holiday, as well as Widows pensions. Think of them as the precursor to the Veterans of Foreign War or The American Legion.
Did you get your poppy ? Do you know why we wear poppies for Memorial Day ? The poppy came from a line in a poem written by Moina Michael:
" We cherish too,the poppy red
That grows on fields where valor led,
it seems to signal to the skies
That blood of heroes never dies ! "
It is only right that we should remember our fallen soldiers. No matter the method we use, the important thing is to, remember. Not to remember only those we knew personally, or that were our ancestors, but to remember all that sacrificed their life so we may live in freedom.
So take time today to reflect upon those that paid the ultimate price. It is only right !
May they Rest in Peace knowing their sacrifice was not in vain, nor forgotten.

James B Terry
14 Apr 1843---17 Jan 1917
Civil War 127th N.Y. Volunteers

1 comment:

  1. In Flanders Field the poppies blow
    Between the crosses row on row

    I remember learning that poem in the 6th grade - made an impression on me!

    Ben, my great-great grandfather was one of the founders of the local chapter of the GAR. No doubt yours and mine attended meetings together! Very cool to think about...
