Monday, May 16, 2011

Keeping the Past

While writing this blog it has brought back memories that were hidden deep inside the folds of my brain. Funny, how the older you get ,the more folds you get in your skin too. But,that's not what I was thinking about. I was thinking that is a good thing to write these memories and thoughts down. You know,they say you are never really gone as long as someone remembers you. I figure this may help in that memory.
Growing up the only Grandparents I knew where my fathers grandfather and my mothers mother. All the others had passed. I heard stories about those that had passed but that was all. The living grandparents I have my own stories to tell about. Being rather young when these grandparents left us, I wish I had talked more with them about their lives and memories. They didn't write much down.
Each of us has a story to tell. Wisdom,or lack thereof,to pass along. I find your own children tend to not hear your stories as much as the grand kids. Maybe that is because they are tired of hearing them. Maybe it is because they are so busy with their lives. Whatever the case the grandchildren are the keepers of the past. It is in them that your story will be told. The best part being you can be selective in telling the story,having a say in future retelling, as it where. When the grandchildren are old enough to have kids of their own that is when you are either remembered or not. The story they tell and the pictures they paint of you to their children are your legacy. I like the idea that I might embellish that legacy,if only just a little bit.
I have heard stories of my grandparents,the ones that were already gone,but they never had the chance to refute any of those tales. That doesn't seem fair. The grand parents that I knew often told a different tale or version than the one Mom or dad told. Two sides to every story.
I'm not trying to fool myself into thinking I have any special wisdom or knowledge that needs to be preserved. I do think it would be extremely cool if I had blogs written by my grandparents. Their youth is my olden days ! I'm quite certain they would speak of things I know nothing about but very commonplace to them. Much as I may mention a CD but will the great grand kids know what that is ? There are children right now that have never seen a record and know nothing about them.
I think we all want to be remembered. That is why we mark our graves,is it not ? And I think you should leave a marker. A mark that you existed. I'm hoping to have these blogs of mine printed in a volume and bound. There are companies that offer this service at a reasonable price. I hope that this volume will be retained by someone and passed down to succeeding generations. By doing so I would be kept alive and I also would have a say in my legacy. Opinions could be formed about me based on my own words. Now,that is cool. The pen is a double edged sword. I can only hope the words I write express what it is I'm trying to say. Maybe one day a great  great grandchild will read my words. Now,how cool is that !

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