Saturday, March 19, 2011

Soapbox #2

Listening to the news and reading the paper I always hear everyone complaining about taxes. The taxes are too high. The tax money isn't being spent right. I'm a tax payer I should get what I want. Blah Blah Blah.
I'm tried of hearing the complaints. I can only imagine what our elected officials must have to put up with.
I don't like taxes anymore than the next person. I also,unlike some,don't expect the government to provide every service I want for free ! I fail to understand why people can not figure this out. You pay your taxes,admirable,but keep in mind that dollar you send in is still only a dollar. Just because you pay it in doesn't mean it magically turns into ten dollars.
You elect the officials in this government. These are the people chosen to spend your money. If you don't like the way they are spending it do something about it besides complain ! Write letters,send E-mail try not voting for them at the next election. Do not expect the government either at the local,State or Federal level to provide services for you for free or at best a reduced rate. Where do you think the money is coming from ? You ! That's the answer folks. Don't make demands for services that you are unwilling to pay for.
I read somewhere where there are about 456 elected officials in the Senate,The House and the White House. There are literally millions of voters. We can change whatever we like as voters. But we can't have our cake and eat it too.
Quit trying to place the blame everywhere else. The blame,if there is any,is on the American people at large. This is a government of the people and by the people. If we as Americans allow our officials to waste our money on foolishness,pork barrels,giving it away or whatever who do we have to blame.
My dearly departed Grand Mother would tell you, God helps those who help themselves. And she didn't mean helping yourself to every free thing you could get your hands on. Nor did she mean for you to turn to the government for your every need. Self sufficiency is what is needed. We as Americans are becoming more and more dependant. Dependant on foreign markets and products. Dependant upon government to sustain ourselves. Start doing and stop complaining I say. Independence, what does it really mean ? Not those cards the Government hands out at my expense that's for sure. I cast my ballot for every election. I'm not complaining, I'm just sayin'.

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