Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Another Diversion

Since my discovery of Facebook I spend a little too much time on the computer. I enjoy the interaction with "friends" both old and new. The games are amusing. I don't farm,run a cafe and do Mafia hits but like the slot games. I like reading other peoples thoughts and opinions. It is so up to the minute. Some postings leave me scratching my head , what ?
Two days ago a new group was formed called Hometown Bonac. Bonac is a name used to describe a locality that I was raised up in. I was invited to join this exclusive group. I was thrilled and have already spent too much time chatting and reading posts on there. It is a wonderful thing. A place to share memories,with those that remember,and reconnect with classmates. We mostly talk about how the town was and not how it is today. I haven't lived there in many years and have no idea anyway. All I know is it isn't the same but then what place is ?
So now I find myself part of a social network. When did that term enter our vocabulary ? Guess if I go see the movie I would know that answer. In reality I have been part of a social network all along I just didn't know it. Now I have entered a sub-culture of this network. Sounds a little ominous doesn't it ? Oh no, hope it doesn't turn out to be a cult ! Can't be; I know these people,at least I used to,and no one is asking for money. I'm safe. I'll keep a watch out for the signs though. Dr. Phil has me up to speed on that stuff.
I saw a thing on television where they say people do not always represent themselves honestly on Facebook.
Can you believe that ? I for one would certainly post every mistake,misdeed or wrongdoing I ever committed in my profile. C'mon you gotta be kiddin' me. I find it difficult to believe people are so gullible. A few years back I used to enjoy the chat rooms. The main part I enjoyed was the fact you couldn't believe anybody. I never did. Was a fun fantasy. An ideal life in print.
Now I have a new diversion. I'm not complaining. I enjoy it but need to set limits I think. That's todays' thought. Need to go check on that group. Don't want to miss anything.

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