There were a number of slogans that were quite catchy. How many of these do you remember.
Winston taste good like a cigarette should.
Us Tareyton smokers would rather fight than switch.
I'd walk a mile for a camel.
You've come a long way baby ! (Virginia Slims )

It was in 1964 when the government required those warning labels be placed on packs of cigarettes.
The tobacco companies were very heavy sponsors of television shows. Seems like it has shifted to the drug manufacturers. With those commercials if you listen carefully to the possible side effects you might want to take up smoking. Less risk of death that way. The government got involved again when Camel cigarettes started using Joe Camel. Their opinion was Joe Camel was a cartoon character and they were targeting underage children. The tobacco company relented and Joe Camel was no more.
I'm wondering when the government will force the beer companies to run ads on a ratio of one to three. It would only be fair. The closet thing I see is the slogan,Please Drink Responsibly. Whats' up with that. The tobacco companies had to warn you not to use their products but the beer companies just say, Please Drink Responsibly ? Somehow that doesn't seem fair. I did notice there are warning labels on booze now telling you not to operate machinery or drive. Thats' fair. Why don't they have to say can rot your liver and destroy brain cells ? I'm not an abolitionist I'm just sayin'. The beer companies advertise light beer so you won't get fat. Some say its' less filling. The message really is, you can drink more ! As long as you do it responsibly.
I expect at some point the beer ads will disappear too. Big brother will intervene to save us. I suppose it is a good thing. In the movies however there is always product placement ! A much more suttle form of advertisement but very effective. Thats' why you don't see people smoking in the movies a lot.
Oh, a side note. Fact, the original Marlboro Man died of lung cancer. He was a non-smoker except during the commercials. His widow sued !
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