Thursday, March 3, 2011

Freedom of Speech

I wasn't going to write about this but changed my mind because I am so mad ! If you have read previous blogs of mine you already know some of my history. You know I like history. You know I wrote of the passing of Frank Buckles the last surviving American that fought in WW1. Apparently our Supreme Court has decided that Veterans no longer deserve a decent burial unmolested by protesters ! That this decision should come just a few days after the death of  Frank Buckles speaks volumes about the state of America.
Eight out of nine supreme court justices agree, deceased Veterans and their families have no reasonable expectation to a dignified funeral service. They have decided under the guise of "freedom of speech" that radical groups can stand within 1000 feet ( same as politicians to the polling place) and scream indignities about the deceased and their families. I agree eight out of nine justices should be dismissed from their position ! They very well may be lawyers and supposed to be smart but they haven't got a lick of common sense.
I know,I know freedom of speech is protected under the first amendment. But this is not freedom of speech !
I'm not saying they can't publicly express there views I'm saying you can't do it during the funeral service !
I can't holler fire in a crowded theater can I ? I could however were the theater empty except for myself.
If I assembly a group of protesters with signs and singing opposite a gay marriage would that not be a hate crime ? Guess not now . Where are the boundaries between the law and good common sense ? I do not and will not believe the founding fathers intention was anyone could say anything,anytime,anyplace they felt like it.
Attend a presidential speech and start protesting and saying bad things and what happens ? You get immediately escorted out of there. Try walking around using the "N" word. If you don't get killed the reaction from others around you will be enough to let you know that isn't right. Try verbally abusing your boss at work and see what happens. You'll get fired. Take him to court and sue him. I have freedom of speech don't I ? I'd like to hear what the justices have to say about that.
The decision has been made and I don't agree. From what I'm hearing a lot of Americans don't agree. It is what it is. My voice will be heard at the polls. Shame I don't get to vote for supreme court justices though.
I still love America and it is still the greatest nation. I'm thinking my father was right about a lot of things that I didn't always agree with. One statement he used to make a lot is ringing true to me today.
And I quote," There are a lot of educated damn fools in this world."  Enough said,I feel better.

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