Monday, March 21, 2011

Foreign Invasion

Woke up yesterday with a cold. Friday we set a new record in my part of Maryland with a temperature of 81 degrees. Saturday was a pleasant day as well but didn't reach those temperatures. I spent most of that day putting brakes on the car and changing the oil. My son and his family were visiting from upstate New York so it was an opportunity to help them out and visit. A two fer. Then to wake up with this cold.
I'm wondering where it came from. I know they say it's germs in the air just floating around or germs on objects you touch that make it into your system. I'm suspecting these are New York germs. Damn foreigners ! They have invaded my system and left me sniffling,sneezing and coughing. I find it all extremely annoying. Not one to take medications for every little ailment that comes along I'll just have to put up with it. What doesn't kill you will make you stronger I always say.
I guess this is a winter cold as is not summer yet. Never heard of a spring cold but spring just started last night so it couldn't be that. An old commercial is brought to mind. The jingle went something like this, A summer cold is a different animal,an ugly animal OOOH. A New York cold is no better. I hate being sick. Even when you don't feel bad but are just just coughing and sneezing people eye you with suspision and fear.
What kind of illness does he have ? Is it lethal ? Might be TB or the swine flu. Stay away from him and don't let him get near you at all costs. It's just a cold does little to assauge their fears. If you work outside you may be able to use the old, it's just allergies excuse, but working indoors that doesn't fly. It also doesn't help if you are an older person. I'll not classify myself as a senior citizen just yet but to some ,the twenty somethings , I appear pretty old. If you are older people assume all that coughing and sneezing means you are close to death for sure !
Well there is little to be done about it. It will pass in about three days. In the meantime I'll keep the tissues handy. We can land on the moon but no cure for the common (New York) cold. Go figure.

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