Friday, March 4, 2011


Tomorrow are try outs for little league ! Spring surely is close by. The weather is supposed to warm a bit and it should be a lovely day. The grandson is trying out and Grandma and I will be there for moral support. He played last year and these try outs are really just a formality. He will be on the same team as last year so the try out is not required. He will go through them however and he isn't aware that he could skip them.
I am not deeply enough involved in Little League to know at what level the try outs become mandatory.
All throughout his baseball career he has played for the Save-A-Lot team. His dad is the district manager for this fine chain of stores where you can save 40% every day. My son made me put that in.
Come to think of it his soccer career too.
Last year I was the scorekeeper for the team. I will pass this duty to someone else this year. Too much drama for me. Opposing coaches arguing runs scored and plays made or not played. I'm not saying I was always correct but this year I pass. I'll just be grandpa sitting in the bleachers and cheering. Leave the arguing to someone else. I love the game of baseball and there are a lot of stats to keep. I'll keep my own personal record.
Every year the boys skills improve. I enjoy seeing them become better ball players. When that little light comes on in their head and they understand the fundamentals of play. Each year it becomes a little more competitive. Teaching good sportsmanship is a difficult thing. A delicate balance has to be maintained. The old cliches offer little solace to a ten year old. The other kids are far more cruel in there judgements. It is something they all have to endure,a rite of passage as it were. Sometimes it is painful to watch. All one can do is to try to teach them to persevere.
Yes,the boys should take it up a notch this year. I can't wait. Baseball is my game and it is my season. I'm anticipating a glorious campaign from the Save-a-Lot team. Anxious to know what name will be selected. Last year they were the "A"s.
Wondering what number my grandson will be this season. So much to look forward too.
                                                            BATTER UP !

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