Sunday, March 20, 2011

Hobo Cat

Sometime back I rescued a cat. A neighbor had this cat and he had been fixed and his front feet declawed. For whatever reason he grew tired of the cat and threw him out of the house. This poor cat promptly got beat up by the feral cats in the neighborhood. He also developed a skin condition. Another neighbor,an elderly lady, saw this and took him to the vet. She purchased the necessary medication for him and was taking care of him. He was living under a hedgerow in her front yard. She has a small dog in the house and the two were not compatible. To make a long story shorter she was going to return to her home in Florida for the winter. She tried to find someone to adopt this cat. The day before she had to leave I broke down and agreed to take him in. I didn't know what name he had previously so I called him Hobo. The grand kids called him Lucky Hobo.
I have had cats in the past and enjoy there company. Each has its' own personality. This one is the laziest cat I have ever seen. He will play with a toy if you dangle it in front of him but will not make any move toward it.
Like all cats he just does whatever he feels like. You can call for him and he may or may not pay attention to you. Then,when you are trying to do something,like write this blog,he will jump up on you. His meow is the strangest I have ever heard. Kinda grating on the nerves. Almost like he has a sore throat. Except it hasn't changed a bit since I have had him.
He was pretty thin when I brought him in and he has done little but eat and sleep since. Getting quite large. Doesn't do much good to try to cut back on his food as he will annoy you to death until he gets fed. Now I have to buy food,litter and occasional treats. I sometimes wonder why I allowed myself to get in this mess. Can't go away without finding someone to cat sit. I already had a Guinea pig that belongs to the grand kids.
But I just couldn't let him stay outside and unattended. I didn't want him to go to the pound either.
feed me   feed me
Well I'm stuck with him now. I said I would take him in and that is that.Hobo. Sometimes I want to put him on a train.

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