Friday, August 13, 2021


  Our choice of words convey a message to others. Obvious enough, but perhaps more importantly is the words chosen to convey the message. It is something I have written about in the past and something that stays on my mind. Vocabulary is what I'm thinking about. Remember that from elementary school? I recall getting a list of vocabulary words to learn their meanings and spelling. It was stressed that a wide vocabulary was important in the world. Today I'm beginning to question that, especially when listening to the politicians today and others in positions of authority. A recent campaign by the governor of Maryland includes this catch phrase, "just wear the damn mask." How eloquent, it certainly projects an air of civility and concern. That is just one example if you are listening you will hear many more. Now our leaders have their sleeves rolled up, collars open, and spitting out expletives like a street corner thug. It is supposed to impress us with their sincerity. Well because if I'm cursing I really mean it! It's like your mother using your middle name, you pay attention.
 The majority of us senior citizens can and will quote the great orators of the past. In my estimation just having people listen doesn't make you a great orator. What is a quote from Biden? "C'mon man, you know the thing." That is what will be remembered about him and his speeches. Reagan was known as the great communicator. He will be remembered by these words, " Mr. Gorbechev tear down this wall." You could argue his training and experience as an actor benefitted him and perhaps it did. What did Obama say? "If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan." Clinton, " I did not have sexual relations with that woman." His wife, " at this point what difference does it make?" And Trump, what words will Trump be remembered for? Nothing springs to the forefront whether for ill or to his credit. Certainly not a great speech maker. But my point is simply it appears we have abandoned the use of words, of vocabulary, as a means of communication. It is being reduced to rudimentary levels. Like grunting animals the meaning is being conveyed but not understood. Compliance stems from fear, not intellect. Consider this quote from Jefferson: "I should esteem  it the extreme of imprudence to prolong the precarious state of our national affairs, and to expose the Union to the jeopardy of successive experiments, in the chimerical pursuit of a perfect plan. I never expect to see a perfect work from imperfect man. The result of deliberation of all collective bodies must necessarily be a compound, as well of the errors and prejudices, as of the good sense and wisdom, of the individuals of whom they are composed." He certainly explains his thought doesn't he? Yes, and it makes you think about what it is he is saying. The speech is designed to do just that. It isn't intended to tell you what to do, how to think or act but rather to draw your own conclusion. He is not speaking at you, he is speaking with you! Big difference. He is not dumbing it down to convince you to just agree with him. What was the context of that writing? It can be found in the Federalist papers. Jefferson is urging ratification of the Constitution. He is using the power of vocabulary to convey a message, not brute force.
 I'm just saying. The words chosen make a big difference. The words I'm hearing today from our elected officials and other authority figures are not ones of wisdom, or even well thought out. They come across as angry, frustrated and aggressive. More like your parents when they got annoyed with you when you were a child. No explanation just, because I said so. As I was writing about just the other day, a verbal assault. That's what I hear for the most part. Several prominent politicians have openly said, if you don't wear a mask it's your fault that covid spreads! If you refuse to be injected you are to blame! It isn't their fault, it's yours! Does that sound familiar? You will comply, or else! You will sit at that table until you finish everything on your plate! Do you have a hall pass? If not, you stay where you are until you get one. Soon a mandate will be issued. What is a mandate? It is an official order or commission. The question to be asked is, can you mandate some one else's medical choices? Yes I said YOU because YOU are the government, it is up to YOU. You don't get to pass the buck this time. If you decide someone else can mandate your medical choices I can then mandate your choice, that's how that works! It's not your body, your choice, it is now your body, my choice. We are not talking about driving a car, putting up a fence, voting, what I can see or read. we are talking about a medical decision. But you say it's the government deciding. Alright are you good with allowing the government to decide when it goes against what you want? You want to have an abortion but the government says no, you good with that? The government used to give electric shock therapy for the insane, that was a government decision. What, it wasn't a good one? Hey, the government says it was alright, cutting edge technology,  a revolutionary treatment. Later the government just said, oops. Margaret Sanger, the founder of planned parenthood wanted to sterilize black people because they were inferior. Today that program is endorsed by the government, only difference being allowing the babies to be killed before they are born. The results are the same, the reduction in the number of little black babies, but that's a choice right? Yup, that's what the government decided. 
 Well I went off on a tangent as I am prone to do, sorry about that. All I'm trying to say is listen. Listen carefully to what is being said. Does it contain any substance at all or is it just orders to be followed. You are not to question that authority. Just like when you were a child. You should be seen, (at the polls on election day) but remain quiet the rest of the time. No criticism, no questioning, just do as you are told! We are the government and we are annoyed with you! You will do as you are told or else. Are you good with  that message? Will you comply to get that candy bar? You can go to the movies if you behave yourself. The government is even offering an allowance. Now be a good citizen, sit down, shut up and do as you are told. 

1 comment:

  1. hahahah.. there's some in this blog that I completely agree with, and some I don't, as is often the case when I bother to READ, rather than just skim your words for subject matter. What about trump? He made up words, like COFFEFFE ( maybe spelled wrong but still PRONOUNCED CO-FEFF-AY. ) Maybe it wasn't made up! Maybe it was a RUSSIAN WORD! But, maybe you should write to commercials for the words they think are so cute to use. How about the chicken sandwich one with claims that it's 'SO CLUCKING GOOD'? If you're not paying attention, which I try not to do with commercials, you'll hear it a completely different way, especially when the MAN says it. It's clearer when the lady eating her sandwich says it,even with her mouthful
