Sunday, August 8, 2021

making do

  I hear that there are those that write blogs concerning a single topic. I don't know what to think about that. My curiosity extends to almost everything. I suppose that is why I consider myself a jack of all trades and master at none. I have never been focused enough on a single topic to obtain that expert designation. I'm not certain I would want that anyway, seems a little one sided. I expect that is simply the result of the way I was raised. I do believe we are a product of our environment. What we call today, do it yourself, was known simply as, making do, when I was a kid. It was a step beyond crafting, another popular term used today to describe doing something yourself. They were skills born of necessity. You learned how to do it or you did without. Independence not dependence. Well the reality was you had to depend upon yourself because you weren't expecting anyone to do it for you. That's the way I was raised. I could ask for help and most times I got all the help I wanted, but that is what it was, help. Do this or do that, that's how you do that. Just keep at it, you'll figure it out.
 Todays blog will be number three thousand and ninety. I'm still trying to figure it out. It's what I write about in general, life. Jerry Seinfeld is known for his observational humor, George Carlin was known for his social criticism and humor. A great deal of his humor, and truth be told most comedy, is based on saying the uncomfortable out loud. Not that many years back all you had to do was swear a lot. That was the cutting edge, blue comedy they called that. Today you can hear that on children's shows. Moral degradation in my opinion, not that I'm a prude or some goody two shoes. I just believe in the proper time and place for everything, an ordered universe. So, mixed in with what I remember, what I'm thinking about and what is happening in the world today, I insert my commentary. Back in 2012 I wrote a blog I titled words of substance. That explained one of my motivations for writing these blogs. It is my hope I will leave a reference. Often times I will remember what my father said, or a teacher, and use that as a reference. Sometimes that is called imparting wisdom. I'm not so sure about that, although I have been called a wise guy on numerous occasions. Still, I like to think that one day someone will read these words I have written and gain some insight, comfort or affirmation for their own thoughts. I can't help but think though, the best self help book is the one you write yourself. Could be that is exactly what I am doing. Just making do? Well I was told, God helps those who help themselves. Blasphemy? Perhaps, but it is also truth.
 It's my feeling the survivors have always been the ones that learned how to make do. Evolution, adapting, whatever you want to label that, enabled their survival. They are the ones that were not dependent upon someone else. Those that accept reality and react to that reality. It's a frustrating existence when you spend your time chasing dreams. Yes it would be wonderful if there was no bias, prejudice, judgement, or inequities in the world, fact is, there are and always will be. The best thing you can learn to do is adapt. Do not insist the world change to suit you, that isn't going to happen. The best you can do is be yourself. It's foolish to attempt to alter the future, it hasn't happened yet! Best deal with today. To quote St. Mathew, " take therefore no thought for the morrow, for the morrow shall take thought for itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." Biblical scripture and sound advice. Instead of moaning and complaining about everything, learn to make do, that's my advice.   

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