Wednesday, August 25, 2021


  Mandates are being mandated! With the approval of the Pfizer vaccine a new weapon was unsheathed. The FDA now controlling a portion of our freedom. I heard the politicians, almost gloating over that approval, insisting you have no right to refuse now! Mandates, mandates and more mandates. It's almost as though the FDA now holds the key and you you will not be allowed to roam free unless you comply. No school, no sporting events, no job without blind compliance. I see it as a new tool in the government toolbox, a tool to be wielded whenever the need is created. Remember this is in response to a disease with a very high survivability rate in the first place. Yet the narrative is one of, we will all die unless every single person complies with the directive. The bludgeon being, it's approved.
 I would like to believe that this approval was based solely on tests and trials but I don't. Political pressure has driven this decision, that's my belief. It seems like I have been able to predict each step along the way. Not just me though, I've listened as many others called the shots along the way. I listened as the official government response flip flopped according to the reaction from the general public. We started out with requiring an N-95 mask. Remember that? When the supply of those masks was exhausted it was announced that any mask would do. Heck, you could use a old handkerchief, whatever. Make your own, that is fine. Soon we had matching masks to go with our outfits. Social distancing was six feet and we put tape and markings on the floors, sidewalks, everywhere. Well, because even with a mask on the virus can travel five foot eleven inches, just not six feet. We were sanitizing everything in sight. Still are, although now they say the virus isn't spread by contact, only airborne. Then we all had to stay indoors and no gatherings. Well except in Walmart and Liquor stores, they remained open for business as usual. The casinos did limit the number of people but never closed their doors. essential don't you know? 
 The vaccine was created in record time, almost overnight in scientific time. From a completely unknown viral infection to the "cure" just like that. Even before the virus itself had been isolated and identified a vaccine had been developed. Of course it isn't really a vaccine in the traditional sense, nothing is traditional about any of this, but the power that be decided to call it a vaccine, so it is. Experimental therapy doesn't sound too reassuring. But still thousands got the jab. Then we have it under control, almost, but there are those hesitating to participate in the experiment. Unleash the variant! Delta arrives on the scene. Even the vaccinated are getting that, but it isn't killing them, it is only killing the unvaccinated. Put those masks back on, social distance, and if you haven't complied and received the jab, you will be targeted! Still, people are hesitating. Why? Because many are saying, it is an experimental therapy. Those folks are telling the truth! Man, that sure interferes with the narrative. As long as the FDA does not give their approval rebuttal is very difficult. That obstacle to compliance must be removed. And now it has. Was it done in response to trials and testing? Seven months, since it was first deployed. Seven months. The polio vaccine, which is often cited as proof positive that all vaccines work, took years to approve. The disease was id'd in 1840, isolated in 1908, and the vaccine wasn't approved and distributed until the 1950's. But this one, seven months. Well, because we have made such advances in science is the answer. Yes we have, and this experimental therapy is the first time being used on human subjects. 
 One down, and two to go. The other vaccines will be approved within a few weeks, I have no doubt about that. Can't let the competition get too much of a head start on you. Three vaccines all in record time, a medical miracle. But I'm being told I should believe. But even more I am being mandated to believe, to place my trust in science. The FDA approved this! And that is like Mom or Dad saying, because I said so. You do this or you can't do that. This isn't about healthcare, this is about control and compliance.     

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