Monday, August 30, 2021

I will survive

  Vaccine mandate! Why is this being pushed so hard? What is the reasoning? The official line is to stop the spread of covid. Well, we all know that covid can be spread by the vaccinated as easily as it can be by the unvaccinated. Well. then when I get covid, and the assumption is that everyone will, it won't be as bad. A survival rate of 99% isn't good enough, I should be deeply worried about a 1% chance I won't make it. That's what the government is telling me, the same government that encourages me to play responsibly while buying lottery tickets with a one in three million chance I will win. But, hey it's fun and profitable for the government so go for it. They have established free help lines for those with a gambling problem. Okay so I should do it to protect you! Not sure what I am protecting you from though, everyone is equally as likely to spread the virus. 
  So let's say the government should do everything they can to save lives, including mandating vaccines. What is the leading cause of death in automobile accidents? Speed, yet the government keeps raising the speed limits on the highways. We would all be a lot safer if we just slowed down. Alcohol use between the ages of 20 and 39 is responsible for about 13.5% of all deaths in that age group! No one is limiting that, in fact, it was considered essential during the last lockdown of the country's businesses. Think about that. About 14% of fatal car crashes are caused by cell phone use yet they come as an accessory in the car! Doesn't seem like the government is awfully concerned about that. You should not be using your phone in the car, and you should not do that to protect me! 
 Then we hear about all the other vaccines being administered. We hear how many lives saved. But why do we have to get those vaccines? The answer is simple enough, because the diseases and virus's they combat still exist in the world! No vaccine has ever completely eliminated a disease. the best they can do to protect you against infection. All vaccines are preemptive. The current therapy isn't a vaccine at all. although the experts choose to call it that because they don't have another name for it just yet. Experimental therapy doesn't sell very well. Now I'm not arguing that all the other vaccines haven't prevented many infections or saved lives, I'm certain they have. It could very well be this current therapy will do the same but it's hardly been a long time. This particular version of a corona virus was first identified in 2020 and the FDA has already approved a vaccine? The first corona virus was identified in 1965 as the common cold, no vaccine for that though? And let's not forget variant D is on the loose, this experimental therapy hasn't been shown to be effective against that. 
 The government first mandated seat belts in cars, then five mile hour bumpers, padded dashboards, and air bags. Still the leading cause of death in car accidents is speed. The government sure hasn't done anything about that. Why not mandate governors on all cars, you know, for your own good and the good of all the other motorists? Tobacco alone causes over seven million deaths a year! It is estimated that eight hundred and ninety thousand people die each year as a result of second hand smoke. What response from the government? Tax the product higher, make people go outside to use the product. Haven't heard of anyone saying stop production though! In fact the push is on to legalize smoking another product  because smoking pot won't cause any harm to anyone and they are going to do it anyway. Well the bottom line is simple enough, people are going to spread the virus whether they are vaccinated or not! 
 The virus will survive just as all the others have. It will mutate, change, and return. It's a good thing that medicine can provide some measure of protection, offer me a safety device. The decision to use that safety device should remain with me. I feel that way about the requirement to wear a helmet while riding a motorcycle too. I'm hurting no one but myself when I don't wear it. If I do not get the vaccine I am endangering no one but myself! Me getting vaccinated will not prevent you from contracting covid 19 or variant D. And that is a fact. It's as simple as this. Whenever I drive my car I am taking a risk. You may run into me or I may run into you. The only way that can be fully prevented from happening is for one of us to not drive the car!  

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