Thursday, August 12, 2021


  How did we reach such a state of instability? It's a question I have pondered for some time. It certainly begins with a loss of trust in our elected officials, a trust broken. I believe that we do tend to trust our fellow man until that trust is broken. You can see that in small children. We often label that as innocence. Small children simply accept the other person as they are without regard to color or gender. Those are the two most obvious characteristics aren't they? Yes, it is what we see first. Then we are taught how to react to those characteristics according to the society in which we live. We learn, based on our own experience, if the lessons are valid. We may decide to run contrary to the popular response, the accepted practice in society. That causes an instability. 
 I think perhaps the same thing is happening to America as she grows. The instability stems from a departure from the lessons. Is it a loss of innocence? That's often what we say to justify our response. When we take past experience, apply that to the current situation, but the circumstance has changed, the response may not be correct. Today we have taken to calling that systemic. Yes that's the term being applied. And systemic is a bad thing right? That's the general impression being portrayed. But what does systemic really mean? It means relating to a system. Especially a portion of that system. It may be good or bad. Systemic racism is hurled about as a weapon. Is it accurate? No, I'd say it is not. In fact, if you read and study the founding documents that is quickly disproved by a single sentence, All men are created equal, a truth it was pointed out, that was self evident! That means it was felt that no one need explain that. Racism was not a part of our founding. The truth of the matter is the British brought slavery to north america. It was a part of there foundation when establishing colonies in the new world. Our government abolished that practice! And, it should be pointed out in historical terms, quite rapidly. It  lasted 89 years before being abolished. The point is simply, it was systemic to America. 
 Now we are departing from the lesson learned, attempting to divide the nation once again into factions and fractions. The first black American elected to office was Wentworth Cheswell in 1776. Alexander Twillight was elected in 1836. John Langston, Edward Walker and Charles Mitchell elected in 1866. Seems like they were a part of the system alright, fully participating members of the society of America! Remember at that time there were blacks holding other blacks as slaves, yes that was present as well. Why? Because it was a part of the British system of governance. Well, that and it was profitable. More prevalent in the agricultural south but present everywhere. It should be noted that in 1774 before the war of Independence, Vermont abolished slavery! Yes, that's the truth of the matter. It was only the start and the wheels of government turn slowly but by 1865 that institution was abolished on American soil! Systemic racism? No, individual racism certainly, and that exists to this day and will continue as long as people perceive each other differently. Any differences will be met with one of two responses, rejection or acceptance. That is simple human nature.
 What is causing the current instability? Conservative vs liberal ideologies. That would appear to be the basic reason. The battle is between sticking to tradition or departing from that tradition. That has always been the struggle. Two hundred forty five years ago the cry was for independence. Independence from what? Government intervention in our daily lives. That was the issue was it not? The King is taxing our goods and restricting our trade. We wanted everyone treated equally not just those in high places! Indeed read the charges listed in the Declaration levied against the King. In eight generations the lessons have been diluted. The call today being for more government! That is the position of the liberals. Well if you change independence there is only one opposite, and that is dependence. It was dependence that the revolutionary war was fought over. No longer would we be dependent upon the whims and wishes of the King. We would act independently! And that is what is systemic to our Republic! We the people. Our Republic is dependent upon one thing, and one thing only, the voice of the people. Will you vote to allow the "government" to decide what is acceptable and what is not? A vote for dependence? The government has already decided that if you say certain words or phrases it is a criminal act. The government is now weighing whether they can restrict your ability to hold a job, move about freely throughout the country and forcibly inject you with a vaccine! The government knows best! Is that independence? Security is always accompanied by dependence! That is the balance we are trying to establish. Risk and reward. Will you surrender your independence in favor of security? Independence lost is never returned voluntarily, it must be fought for. You can't win the battle by surrender. 

1 comment:

  1. It IS Biblically true that all men are created by God, as He sees fit to create them. It is undeniably true that the Declaration of Independence says that ALL men are created equal, etc. It is also undeniably true that all men, all races, are NOT treated equally. Thus, the uprising anf fighting for their rights of equality. When people treat others without common decency, without allowing them the same freedoms and liberty and equality that white people have always had, it's bound to come to a time when they rise up. IT'S HIGH TIME the white supremists shut up and sat down, and learned a few lessons.
