Tuesday, August 17, 2021

a change in policy

 The news is dominated by the fall of Afghanistan and the placing of blame. The blame is being placed on the leaders of Afghanistan. At least that is what our President says. He says he will not hand this conflict over to another President. He goes on to talk about American lives and how many have been lost. He questions why that should be, why should American lives be lost? I couldn't help but remember, not that long ago, when that sort of talk, America first, was Nationalist speech and compared to Hitler! Now, just like that there are main stream media outlets proclaiming the righteousness of such a statement. Yes, by God, real flag waving Americans! Amazing how attitudes can change so quickly. Well the attitude at our southern border hasn't changed any, it's an open door. American lives aren't that important! No, don't close the border or even attempt to stem the flow there, wouldn't want to hand that problem over to another president. Just ignore it altogether.
 Setting aside political differences one does have to ask, why did we leave all our equipment behind? Basically we have armed the Taliban with the latest weapons we have to offer. No telling how many weapons small and large are now in their hands. As the left is fond of saying, I'm certain they feel "empowered." If this sweeping victory doesn't bolster their confidence, convince them of their prowess of the battlefield I don't know what would. Will the Taliban be content with Afghanistan? As the twentieth anniversary of 9/11 approaches it certainly must be an inspiration. What happened wasn't a withdrawal it was a retreat! The afghan military folded like beach chair and American troops just left everything behind. Our President says, it happened faster than we thought it would. So what you are saying is you expected that to happen just not as fast? Having expected that why didn't you expect them to seize every military asset they could get their hands on? Why weren't those assets, at a minimum, destroyed?
 I won't pretend to be some military leader or political analyst. I'm no expert in foreign affairs. Still I've been around for a while. I heard first hand accounts about Korea where some of my friends Dads had fought. I was around for Vietnam. I was in the service when that was ended and remember that mess. I was there for Desert Storm and Desert Shield, shock and awe followed by a withdrawal. I remember well the attack on 9/11. An attack orchestrated by the very Taliban we have now armed better than many other armies in the world. But it's the fault of the Afghan leaders. they ran away. And our President says, why should we stay and fight? He does say if the Taliban doesn't treat their citizens correctly we will come back and punish them! He said we will be "forceful." Bet that has the Taliban shaking in their boots. 
 I will just go about my life as best I can. I have deep concerns for the country and the direction we are headed. In my estimation Biden is a weak leader and isn't really in control of anything. What forces are manipulating him behind the scenes? I shudder to think about it. A great portion of the country is living in fear. Fear generated and fueled by this administration. Biden is attempting to justify this decision to withdraw. Now the Taliban announces a general amnesty to all Afghan peoples. Yes, join them and they won't kill you, that's their amnesty. Anyone thinking differently is just naïve. And to further enable things the government is instituting a new program to allow Afghan refugees into the country. Are those people really running from the Taliban? The plan is to allow hundreds of these people into the country immediately. 
 Meanwhile we are being conditioned to accept the idea of vaccine passports. That is nothing more than a step toward passports to travel about the country. You will show the proper papers or be denied access. Not just to concerts and sporting events, eventually to anything the government wishes. Those failing to comply will be isolated. Anyone remember the Warsaw Ghettos? What was their purpose? But that can't happen here right? I recently had to renew my drivers license. I was required to provide my papers. Yes I had to produce a birth certificate, a social security card, and proof of residence. I had to prove my citizenship! While I was doing that there was another line for those with foreign documents, ones that couldn't be questioned. They weren't being denied anything, they were being aided in their quest to obtain a license to drive. Meanwhile I could show my ID card proving I am a Retired member of the United States Navy but that wasn't sufficient proof. Additionally I would have to pay for a background check, conducted by the FBI, if I wanted my commercial license renewed. 
 But take heart, our President has embarked upon a course of America first. That's what he said and I will hold him to that. Next we are closing the border to protect Americans. We will finish the wall. We will now start withdrawing all our troops for the various locations around the globe. America first. Sounds great to me. Of course I have been told I'm a Nationalist and that isn't right, but now it is. Hooray. A change in policy?         

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