Friday, August 20, 2021

all part of the plan

 Where to begin? Listening to our President on television he says these words, I can't see any way there wouldn't have been chaos. When asked if he planned on that "chaos" he answers, yes. And says that in the most condescending tone, as if , everyone would have planned on chaos. To further add to this the reporter just nods his assent! Oh, okay that settles that. As long as you planned for chaos Mr. President? Really that was part of the plan for bringing the troops home. Just leave arms and ammunition, weapons, buildings and supplies behind, put the troops on a plane and leave. That's the plan? Every man for himself. Yeah, that's a great plan alright, I'm sure the Taliban appreciates that. I guess that stern warning to not harm Americans is really doing the trick, I hear the Taliban isn't harassing fleeing Americans just beating, shooting at, and otherwise intimidating everyone else. The news reports they are being quite friendly actually. Well, as friendly as they can be amid all the chaos that was planned for. 
 The other big news was the recommendation for booster shots. Never mind that the CDC hasn't approved the initial therapy we will now start scheduling boosters. There has been some scientific evidence that the original treatment could be the reason for the variant appearing but that is being ignored. Governor Hogan of Maryland was on television saying he was going to pressure the CDC to give their stamp of approval for the three "vaccines" currently available. After all he is the governor and would certainly know when a therapy should or should not be approved. He is qualified to do that! All I can say is, I knew from the first day they injected the first person with this "vaccine" that it would become just another in the long list. The demand having been created, either by accident or appearing naturally makes no difference, the protentional for profit won't be overlooked. I understand that all of this has little to do with health and is centered on control. I am not being fooled, I've been around the block a few times. The masking and unmasking, the denial of services, goods and freedom has nothing to do with prevention, it has to do with control. The virus can be spread by the vaccinated as easily as the unvaccinated.
 In the city of Baltimore the murders continue unchecked. It's so bad they now report when someone is merely "wounded" as just an incident. the only serious ones are when the person is kilted. They just arrested a 14 year old for murder having shot another person on the street in broad daylight. He will be charged as an adult but that is being met with protests. It isn't really the Childs' fault, no it's because the street lights are out, the streets are dirty and there is high unemployment. If this child was white and lived in a wealthy neighborhood that wouldn't have happened! So, you see, not his fault. We should build a state of the art grocery store in that neighborhood, fix all the street lights, clean the alleys up, renovate all the buildings, provide high paying jobs to all the residents, and send all the children to Ivy league colleges. That will stop the murders. Locking people up won't stop that. They have planned for chaos too! Same party leadership as what's' in the white house.
 Illegal aliens streaming across the southern border, thousands of them. What effort is being made to stem the tide? The only plan so far is to transport those crossing the border to various cities throughout the country and provide for them. And now they are concerned with bringing in displaced Afghans. But only the ones that love America, I'm certain there will be a vigorous vetting process to ensure no Taliban members gain entry to the country. You know, like the ones that were trained to fly airplanes in Florida twenty years back. Yeah, the requirements are even more stringent now. NOT I know it and so does everyone else. The appeal is to empathy and humanity, except when the President says otherwise. Remember, just the other day Joe Biden said he stood by his decision to withdraw all the troops from Afghanistan. Why should American lives be lost, America first! Never mind the chaos or those lives being lost that aren't Americans. Well, turns out, it was all part of the plan.  

1 comment:

  1. All I can say is, I'm glad all of you who know it all are NOT our President...and never WILL BE!
