Friday, August 27, 2021

a time for action

  As I watched President Biden give his speech yesterday it became more evident, he just doesn't have a clue. He even plagiarized Abraham Lincoln with his "last full measure of devotion" reference. Well, okay he didn't attempt to take credit for the phrase but he didn't credit Lincoln for it either. I was particularity bothered by his saying our servicemen gave their lives. No, those lives were taken from them! Those soldiers were there carrying out the orders of their superiors, following ultimately, the orders of the commander in chief. Biden did say the buck stops with him right before blaming Trump for the attack. So the underlining message was, it's not my fault. He was trying to say that Trump had negotiated with the Taliban and that was why no Americans had been attacked. The implication was plain, he hadn't negotiated with the Taliban and so they attacked! What he failed to point out was a simple fact. President Trump had indeed spoken with the leaders of the Taliban. He informed them of another simple fact, you hurt one single American and I will wipe you off the face of the earth! Trump didn't negotiate, Trump gave them an ultimatum. And the difference is obvious to anyone. The Taliban respected, or at least feared, the retribution of Trump and don't care what Biden says. That is our political state at the moment.
 I watched and I listened. As the late great Yoga Berra pointed out, you can see a lot just by looking. I watched a mentally confused, somewhat befuddled man attempt to stumble his way through a speech. It was the most incoherent ramblings I have ever heard. He said nothing meaningful. His strongest words were, we will not forget! Meanwhile he is busy loading airplanes with Afghan refugees that may or may not be Afghans at all. Are they being thoroughly vetted? No, and they are being scattered across the country, sprinkled like salt. When questioned directly about his decision to withdraw and the timeline chosen he deferred to blaming Trump. 
 At one point he lowered his head in total frustration and then looked up like a lost and frightened man. It was then I saw the way out. It is becoming evident to me. I have said all along this man would be replaced and never make a complete term. Now I see. He will step down for mental health reasons, the strain taking a toll on him. He was already in a fragile state, those close to him knew that all along, it won't take much to push him over the edge. And the powers that be will hail that as a triumph. Old Joe, the martyr that lead his country to the end, till he collapses with the weight of responsibility. After he lost a son as a direct result of serving in Afghanistan. as he mentioned to justify the withdrawal. Joe will leave being honored as a noble warrior! Kamala Harris will take the seat and appoint whoever she chooses to be the vice president. And yes, make no mistake about that, it will be her choice, as least constitutionally it will be, but the deal was already been sealed. All that is left is to reveal who that choice will be. 
 So the fix is in. Joe and his family will receive all the benefits an ex-president is entitled too. Joe will not be aware of any of that, he will be beyond comprehending what actually transpired. He will be lead about, trotted out on social occasions, and used to obtain every bit of sympathy that can be managed. Poor Joe, he gave all for his country. The goal is control. It's really that simple. If you can control the President, you can control the congress. That control can be cemented by the rewriting of the constitution. But first we have to establish the legality of mandates. A new avenue of mandates has been created through the FDA. Remember there were many challenges to a vaccine mandate and the toughest one one to rebuke was that the FDA hadn't approved it. That barrier now being removed the mandates are flying! The government can now mandate your health care choices! A small step? A tightening of the collar in my opinion. Those refusing will be isolated, singled out and punished for their non-compliance. Only a matter of time until government mandates are readily accepted as the normal thing. 
 If you think that is just crazy talk go back a hundred years. Just a hundred years ago, four of five generations depending on how you wish to count did you have any taxes to pay? No, you did not, there was no federal income tax. Did you need a permit to build a home? No, you did not. Was your second amendments rights being questioned? No, they were not. How many remits, permissions, requirements and mandates has the government issued in the last hundred years? More than you or I can count and the majority of them just go unquestioned and unchallenged. In order to receive mail, through the United States postal service I had to prove my residences and citizenship status! Yes, that is a fact. I received notice about that a while back. No matter that I had the same address, the same PO box for over twenty years, I was called into question. A government requirement. Seems insignificant doesn't it? It's not. 
 How long will Biden last? That's the question I have this morning. It isn't a matter of if, it is when. I have no doubt that he will step down, for the good of the country, whether he believes that or not. If old Joe has any cognitive ability left he should be pretty nervous about now. That is if he intends to get out of office alive. He had better cooperate! Yes, he is useful at this moment, someone has to take the fall for this disaster. They even have him saying, the buck stops here, but it is Trumps fault. In just over one hundred days in office he is on track to out executive order every previous president by a significant number! He hasn't signed many bills though, those are being reserved for Harris. Executive orders are far easier to reverse or ignore altogether. Really they only need to last long enough to make it to the supreme court. 
 All of this has shown me the lengths those in position of power will go to secure their own agendas. The whole virus thing, whether naturally occurring or a leak from a Chinese lab has been used as a springboard. Never let a good pandemic go to waste. If we can use this to instill fear and control in the population, we should take advantage. And that is exactly what has happened. And now this withdrawal from Afghanistan. I'm certain that disaster won't go underutilized. The President himself admits they were warned, well in advance that such a tragic event could happen but continued on anyway. No contingency plan made, no effort to stop it, just a warning beforehand. What was the warning? Run away, don't come near the airport! A sworn enemy of the United States and the Taliban will be attacking! The Taliban will just allow them through because they don't care if Americans or their own citizens get blown up! They don't care because they have just been given millions of dollars, arms, equipment and a promise that the Americans will leave everything to them. No harm, no foul. Hey it isn't like the deal Trump made. That guy would hurt the Taliban! No telling what Trump might do, he just might blow the Taliban up! Ah, but not old Joe. It's all good. 
 And what is the big issue that few are talking about right now? Voting rights. Yes, you hear an occasional mention but we are being distracted by covid and Afghanistan. When our attention wanders from those issue we are reminded of the violence and drug usage in the cities and the homeless. We are told about the poor refugees walking with their families, little children and babies through the Sonora desert in some desperate attempt to survive. We are told to worry about our children being safe in schools and how guns are so violent. And when voting rights are discussed it is a racial issue. You are not supposed to think about just who they are attempting to secure the right the vote for. Is it law abiding citizens, that are productive members of society? No, not hardly, they want the felons, because they make such good choices for themselves and for others, they want the "refugee" that just received all the free stuff, they want the dregs of society! And the narrative is, don't judge those people for their choices. Well I guess I'm just a judgmental person because I assume, based on your previous choices, that you  will choose the same thing all over again. You make very bad choices! 
 I'll finish with this quote from Teddy Roosevelt: "There is but one answer to terrorism, and it is best delivered with a Winchester." Trump knew that and no Americans were hurt in Afghanistan for well over a year. Biden didn't make it much past one hundred days. Why? Because the Taliban do not fear him ( the United States) anymore, that's why. Just a bunch of hot air. The anniversary of 9/11 isn't far off and it just became even more dangerous. Don't be distracted! That is an immediate concern of mine, if I were the President I would be be extra vigilant, hyper sensitive even. I'm blowing somebody up just to send a message! I'm not playing! This is a time for action, not retreat.  

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