Thursday, August 26, 2021

a new policy

 Personally I can remember when President Reagan said, " we do not negotiate with terrorists." That was in response to the hijacking of an airplane. Just the other day Bidens' press secretary was asked if that policy was still in effect. She insisted that it was and that no negotiating with the Taliban had taken place. It's a lie, I know it's a lie, you know it's a lie, and she certainly knows she is lying. She claimed there was no quid pro quo. Meanwhile the Taliban has received, by one estimate, 250 million dollars worth of military equipment and supplies. But, no deal was made. Americans with passports and all the diplomatic papers required are being told to not to try to get to the airport. Wonder why that is? This morning they were almost bragging about the numbers of people evacuated outside the airport, sneaking them out. Why do they have to do that? Because the Taliban is in control of the whole deal that's why. And they can't really be trusted to follow the deal made. Make no mistake about it, a deal was made and it will come to light over time. After the 31st, a deadline set by the Taliban, I suspect all hell will break lose. The Taliban will begin to press their advantage in earnest, seizing control with an iron grip. And now, now they have the equipment and supplies to do just that. What a windfall for them. Whatever equipment they don't personally want will certainly be for sale to the highest bidder. I'm betting lots of other terrorist states would love to have their engineers get a close look at American technology.
 What will become of all this? That's a question everyone should be thinking about at this point. This goes far beyond evacuating Americans and refugees. This is empowering, a term I hate, a terrorist group to further push their extremist agenda. Talk about boosting morale! The Taliban forced the United States of America to evacuate! Oh they can say it was a withdrawal all they want, but it was an evacuation. How else can you explain why all that equipment, all those supplies, all of that was abandoned, just left for the enemy to seize! As far back as the Civil war it was known to not leave your enemies weapons, food and supplies! Yet, here we are equipping terrorists. Makes Obama and his gun running deals to the Columbians seem like a playground deal. This is a whole new level of treason. And I question, how could our Generals have allowed such a thing to happen? Where the heck were they? We just turned tail and ran! Just two hundred Americans faced as as many as six thousand Mexicans at the Alamo, they didn't just run away and leave everything behind! We made no effort to defend anything, just left a handful of soldiers there and said, do what you can boys, we have negotiated with the Taliban but you're on your own. And the President says, it did happen faster than we thought it would, oops. 
 What's the plan moving forward? We will bring all the refugees here to America and provide them with a better life. No need for those folks to risk their lives, risk anything at all in defense of their home. No, they can turn our home into their home! Yes, we are so empathic we will not only allow that, we will help them build it. We will adjust our way of life to accommodate them. We will tax our citizens to fund it all too. Special consideration, provisions and exceptions granted at every turn. Need to learn to speak English, no problem we will provide private tutors and instructors. But if you don't want to learn English we will just print everything in your language and provide translators for you. That's the plan isn't it? Let's make them all feel welcome and right at home. And don't you dare say a thing about it, you racist! They are all future voters! Every one of them will be voting in our elections within the next decade, if not sooner. Just who do you think they will be voting for? I'll tell you this much, political party won't be a factor. No, they will just vote for whoever is going to give them more free stuff, more of America until they have turned America into a third world nation! That's who they will vote for. Think about that. When they gain enough to elect their own, that is what they will do. Doesn't take a lot of thought to understand that. We aren't selling out, we are now giving it away. That's the new policy! No negotiating though, just give them what they want and get out.    

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