Tuesday, August 10, 2021

verbal insurrection

  Loss of freedom? Yes, that is what it is and we are being conditioned to not talk about that. There is an effort to just silence America. The federal government has even designated a punishable crime in that regard, they call it hate speech.  speech that is intended to insult, offend, or intimidate a person because of some trait (as race, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, or disability) The operative word there being intent. You can now be prosecuted for what someone else decides was your intent. Think about that for a minute, really think about that. You can be prosecuted for what someone else feels was your intent. That is to say, in my opinion your intent was this, therefore you can be held accountable. Law based on presumption and opinion? That is exactly what that is. What is the intent of that legislation? It can only be to silence opposing views. You are not allowed to say that. No mean words allowed. Facebook and their fact checkers are taking that one step further flagging your opinions with the "fact" checkers opinions. You can also be barred from posting anything at all if in their opinion you said anything offensive. I know, it has happened to me. That being said I haven't changed my opinion on that, it is their platform, it is free to use, and they have every right to block me from using their site should they choose to do so. There are other avenues open to me. What concerns me is when the government begins to do the same. This concept of hate speech is the prime example. Hate speech is quickly becoming to be defined as saying anything that goes against the government narrative regarding anything. Government officials are now calling people anti-vaxxers and blaming those folks for the spread of a disease. Furthermore the government is beginning to restrict the rights of those people. A loss of freedom for failure to comply with their opinion! And yes, the efficacy and long term effects of this experimental therapy is a matter of opinion. There are experts that disagree but those experts are being silenced. 
 Setting aside the current push to get everyone to submit to an injection it is the silencing of America that concerns me the most. Yes I know you can't holler fire in a crowded theater because that will endanger others. Thing is that is a fact, it will, it is not an opinion. Do opposing opinions always hurt others? Only those that feel their choice may be wrong in the first place is my thinking. Only those that feel something is wrong. If you call me white, Christian and conservative I'm just going to say, you're correct. I'm not hurt by that. If you call me ugly that's your opinion, I don't care. I'll probably have an opinion about your appearance as well, chances are it won't be flattering, a matter of opinion. None of that indicates I hate you. An opposing opinion is not an indication of hate! There are some today that would like all that labeled an insurrection! An insurrection is a violent uprising against authority or government. Some feel a different opinion is violence. Verbal assault! Yes, think about that phrase. I was verbally assaulted! What does that mean? A verbal assault criticizes, insults or denounces another person. In short, if you say anything I don't like you are assaulting me. Was that legislation written in response to an old childhood rhyme? "Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me." Today that is an assault? Really it is a piece of legislation whose purpose is to make you, "shut up" 
It's punishable by law these days. You called me names. 
  There can be no discussion when you are prohibited from speaking. Seems plain enough doesn't it? If the government can simply silence any dissent, the government gains control. And that concept was central in the thinking of those that wrote our founding documents. The many should rule the few! Yes, I know Spock said the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one. Thing is, he is correct. We the people are the many, politicians, our elected officials are the few. They should comply with the wants of the people. We can not allow those legislators to remove our freedom to speak! There were times when that was accomplished by the destroying of printing presses and burning books, today it is regulating mass media and social media. Who controls the major news networks? Six corporations control 90% of the news outlets in America. Those corporations, like all corporations, are profit driven. Their opinions are for sale to the highest bidder. If that opinion doesn't please them they will not broadcast that. If that opinion doesn't please them but you are willing to pay them enough a simple disclaimer will suffice. The opinions in this piece do not reflect the opinions of management. Yeah we are saying this, but it isn't what we mean. Sounds like the government alright. If you like your healthcare you can keep your healthcare! It is believed that government mandates requiring vaccination is unconstitutional but we are going to do it anyway. The current President has openly admitted he will play the system to enact unconstitutional mandates! Think about that. Sounds like a verbal insurrection to me. But, that's just my opinion. 

1 comment:

  1. Has anyone ever raised you to think about what you say before you say it? Did anyone ever teach you that words can build up or tear down? If you are expressing words that tear people down, you are intending to hurt someone. THINK about what you're saying. Just because YOU think you're expressing an opinion, you may be going against all that MOST of us were taught. THINK about it, Ben....or do you not care about hurting people or taking THEIR freedom from THEM? Hmmm???? yep...the ALMIGHTY WORDSMITH is offering her opinion, and something for YOU to think about...'IF YOU CAN'T SAY SOMETHING NICE, DON'T SAY IT.'
