Saturday, October 31, 2020

placing trust

  I will be glad when election day has come and gone. Not that the political climate will have calmed down, I'm expecting quite the opposite, but the campaign ads will no longer be on television. If I hear Joe Biden proclaiming how he can get this pandemic under control, IF HE IS ELECTED, one more time I just might be a liberal and start screaming at the sky! So Joe, your campaign is, I will save the lives of thousands but only if you elect me. You have the plan, the means, the knowledge, the ability to do that but only if you are elected. That's your platform? Oh yeah, you aren't going to raise taxes on anyone making less than 400K a year. That's your other promise and about as likely as you controlling the pandemic! Do you really think people are that stupid, to believe either of those statements? C'mon man.
 Say what you will about Trump but he is just promising more of the same. You already know what you got with him, he isn't promising anything new. Thing is; if you just set aside your personal distaste for him, he has a lot to offer. He has put America first, which does make a great number of unamericans' angry, like Mommy saying no to another piece of candy. He hasn't gotten us into any wars or conflicts, despite all the dire warning that he would from the last administration. An administration that, in my opinion, kow towed to rest of the world. I'll never forget my President bowing down before some Arab leader. And yes, as much as I found him distasteful he was my President at that time. The weakest President this country ever had! 
 Trump hasn't divided the nation, that was accomplished during the previous eight years. The problem now is bringing the "children" back into the fold. For eight years the children were allowed to just run free, do pretty much as they please, without discipline, and this is the result. Think about it, what are the demands from the left? Free everything, open borders, and this attitude that I can do whatever I like! And their response when told no, burn down the city, loot the stores, and claim they are oppressed! They throw a hissy fit! I'm afraid the worse of that is yet to come and I don't like thinking about it. At the same time I want this election to be over and move forward. For me the words have all been spoken, it's time to decide. Do we keep America?
 Make no mistake about it, the left wants a straight up Democracy, the mob rules! That has been their goal for quite some time, since 1860 in fact. That was the year South Carolina voted to secede from the Union. The others joined in and started what we now call the Civil War. It was a war about what? Control is the answer. They didn't want to be a part of the United States anymore, they were going to form their own country, a Confederacy, not a republic. It was a confederation of states, although touted as a Democracy to the common man. It wasn't anywhere near a Democracy. But, just as it is today, full of promises for the "working" man. All you have to do is surrender your voice to the government. Do as you are told and you will be rewarded. Things is, the government comes first, not you! Whatever the government wants, they take. The mob rules! The 51 takes from the 49 every time. Yeah, real good if you are in the 51, not so much in the 49. Joe promises to control the Pandemic, as long as you elect him. He also promises he'll "take care of you. " Yup and that means you will get whatever the government decides you should have, nothing more. You better pray that whatever that is doesn't cost too much or you will be denied! But go ahead, the government promises to take care of you. You can trust Joe. Remember this: Obama was the first two term President to be engaged in war all eight years of his Presidency! All eight years! And at the end of that eight years our military was weaker than when it began! That's because Obama was the weakest President ever! You know Arthur Purdue, yes the chicken guy, said in an advertisement: " It takes a tough man to raise a tender chicken. " I say it takes a tough man to run the nation. You may not like the man, but you like your chicken tender don't you? There are times when you just have to trust the process. It's pretty hard this time around, but I'll stay the course.    

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