Tuesday, October 6, 2020

in the face of fear

  I hear a lot of banter about how the times are different now. It's a new age, a new century and we should have new ideas and expectations. What puzzles me the most about all of that is when they are talking about moral and social issues. All of this inclusiveness and tolerance that we hear so much about. Should we have different expectations about that? That is to say what has traditionally been immoral is now acceptable? The way we interact in society has changed too? It's a new age where wrong isn't necessarily right, but it is certainly to be embraced and accepted. We should, at a minimum, tolerate those faults and indiscretions and offer support to those committing them. We can profess to know and embrace the eternal truth while supporting those that deny that. Well, that's because we have empathy for everyone. Thing is the truly empathic are aware of the wrong and feel an obligation to attempt to correct those wrongs. Empathy is merely the ability to feel what others feel, that's doesn't mean you have to accept that. I know what cheesecake tastes like and I don't like it, same thing. 
 Of course it is true that things have changed. We have made advances in science and technology. We can spread information in minutes that once took weeks or months to reach the masses. The content of the messages really hasn't changed however, that's what I'm talking about. Has the character of man changed over time and should it? I'd say no, our character hasn't changed one bit. People are still people whether from the 15th century or the 21st century. Every generation likes to think of themselves as smarter than the previous one, that's human nature. Each generation feeling they have become enlightened. In truth each generation allows certain behaviors that were either frowned upon or outright forbidden in the past. That is what is often labeled as enlightenment. It's a misnomer though, there is nothing enlightened about that at all. 
 As an example I had made a posting about FDR. He was the Democratic president that served four terms. Term limits were imposed following that achievement. He was beloved by the masses, Democrats and Republicans, in part for his leadership during the war and in part due to his fireside chats. His was a message of strength and reassurance. He was also in a wheelchair. He tried very hard, and the press cooperated fully, with hiding that fact from the public. Another President Woodrow Wilson, while leading the nation through WW1 contracted the Spanish Flu. It was a global pandemic far worse than Covid-19 that we are experiencing today. He never mentioned his illness, nor indeed the Spanish Flu in any public speeches. He just kept that silent. Why? He didn't want to panic the people, cause economic chaos and undermine the confidence of the people. One of the responses I got on that posting said, he didn't have twitter and it was a different time. It's true we didn't have twitter in 1918 but we sure had newspapers and the telegraph. The word could have been sent out if Wilson had chosen to do so. He didn't. 
 Have you ever heard anyone vilify either of those presidents for the action they choose? No, I certainly hadn't. I really hadn't heard much about the 1918 pandemic, or FDR being in a wheelchair. What was taught about these men? That they were bold leaders, men that took action, and made the best choices for the people. Was anything ever said about either of them hiding anything from the public? No, only many years later when historians began to document their lives, then the "tell-all" mentality crept into the narrative. But today the tables have turned. Today the President is being disparaged and insults thrown at him because he chooses to show strength, to give reassurance, and to tell the people it's alright to be proud to be American! Indeed those very actions are what is causing this vitriol aimed at the president. Is it because people have changed? No, it isn't that. People are still the same as they were a hundred years ago, two hundred years ago or more. 
 So what has changed? Today we have a generation being raised to believe they can do nothing on their on. The narrative has changed. Where once we were taught personal accountability and responsibility we are now being told, it's someone's else's fault, and they are responsible, whoever they are. The only solution to the problem is more government. A government of charity! The term ""Charity being inserted instead of socialism that is. In fact everyone should receive the same whether they contribute or not. The narrative being you are entitled by virtue of being born, if that is allowed to happen that is, that too is a choice. The new narratives states, I can believe whatever I want, but it is wrong to defend those beliefs. Anything goes as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. And anything that we don't want to allow, we will find a way it harms others. That's why we all should wear a mask isn't it? To protect others, not ourselves. Why do we have to wear seatbelts and helmets? Oh, that's the government protecting the people. the government will protect you. After all, you didn't think you would have a choice about that did you? You are not to make personal choices about your health and safety, the government will do that for you. That's the new narrative. Leadership by fear. That's what the proposal is now. The government will tell you who, what, where, when and why! If you fail to follow the government guidelines you will suffer certain death. Be afraid, be very afraid. 
 It is through fear that control can be obtained. I have always believed that children should be just a little afraid of their parents. It's a control mechanism. I know I was always a little afraid, hesitant to find out shall we say. Would Dad really do what he said? It was a matter of risk and reward. Is the reward, staying out past curfew, going to be worth it? I did hesitant, gave it some thought before acting. And that was for my own safety, no one else's. Oh I was given freedom to act based solely on my past choices, I was accountable for those choices. The fear I had wasn't paralyzing fear, it was more of a caution. What messages is being sent to the public in general today? They certainly aren't messages of hope, of encouragement or  reassurance. The message is be afraid. Do as you are told, believe what you are told, and do not think for yourself. Follow the government guidelines in all things. It's the only way. 
 Even in our religious beliefs fear is used to motivate us. The fear of eternal damnation. Yes, today many religious services emphasize celebration and reward. Some even promising that reward despite you violating the laws of that religion. You will be forgiven because that's what God does. Have the people changed? No, people haven't changed at all, only the narrative. Hey, it's not your fault, you're not responsible for that. Just listen to those in charge. Strange thing about that though. Those in charge always want one thing, more money. Your money in fact. The reason for asking or, indeed demanding that may vary, but the request will be the same. The big difference between government and the church is that the government will eventually take your money, by force if necessary. The church will only ask. They may apply some spiritual pressure to motivate you, but that's about it. In either case, fear is used to motivate. Courage in the face of fear is now portrayed as a bad thing, a very bad thing, reckless, irresponsible and foolish. That's the message.    

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