Thursday, October 8, 2020

your choice

  I did watch the entire debate last evening. I have to say it was a far more civil event than the last. At least some modicum of decorum was maintained, for the most part. Two minutes is never long enough to make a point, at least not for a politician, it isn't. The reason is simple enough, politicians seldom give direct answers to even the most basic of questions. I have to say, in all fairness, both candidates did a bit of skirting and skating around certain topics. But it went pretty much as I expected. Kamala Harris just spouting off half truths, opinions, and deflecting from the actual topic. She of course had to mention her racial and ethnic background, as if race should be some sort of qualifier, along with gender. She was pointing out she was the first this or that. Well, someone had to be first that doesn't always equate to the best. 
 Much of the debate concerned the virus and the control of it. Senator Harris seems to harbor some belief that the president can somehow control this virus with some sort of magic wand. She repeatedly said Trump didn't do anything but let people die. When faced with the facts of the swine flu under Bidens' direction, she deflected all responsibility for that. Does anyone remember what the response to that was? Nope, because there was no response. And so she then brings up George Floyd and Breonna Taylor to change the narrative once again. When confronted with her own record as a prosecutor her answer was, I won't be lectured by the Vice-President! She was rather emphatic about that, yes, her hackles got up then. She was clearly uncomfortable when faced with facts. 
 Well, for me, the big takeaway from that debate was Harris refusing to answer a direct question. When asked, if the Democrat's win this election, will they pack the court? Asked several times and given more than enough time to answer, she refused. For me the reason is obvious enough, that is there intention, that's the plan. She does mention, rather in an offhanded way, how she supports a woman's choice. Choice is Dem speak for abortions, and the funding of Planned Parenthood. She mentions how old Joe is a Catholic too, and she is a woman of faith. Joe would be only the second Catholic president in history! But, we shouldn't use a persons religious beliefs as a measure of that person. Of course, Amy Coney Barrett is a catholic and would vote to overturn Roe V Wade because well, she's a Catholic. No Democrat would allow their religious belief to influence their decisions, only republican nominees would do that, that's why we should wait until after the election to fill that seat. Let the people decide! Have you ever voted for a supreme court justice? Ever seen that on a ballot? No, that nomination is up to the president and then the senate to confirm or deny. So, what she is really saying is, wait, we need to wait in case we win, then we get to pick. Have you heard any candidates they would propose? Nope not a one. They just want you to vote for Biden, then Biden gets to choose, not you. The people don't have a say in that process except through their representatives in the Senate. 
 The Democratic platform is one of fear. You are going to lose your healthcare, you are going to die from coronavirus, Roe V Wade will be overturned, and you will have to pay to go to college! If you vote for them however, Joe will unite the nation. Universal health care for all, the rich people will pay for it, college will be free to everyone, the rich people will pay for it, no new taxes on anyone making less than 400,000, the rich will pay for it all! The bottom line from that platform is simple enough to understand. Unless you vote for them, you will be held accountable and responsible for the choices you make in life! Only the Democrats can save you from yourself! They will mandate your actions, tell you what is best for you, and enforce that. The party of "choice" would remove your choice, you will do as you are told. You will always be the victim and deserving of help because you can't do it on your own. As Barry pointed out, if you have a business, you didn't build that! When brought to task for that statement he attempted to explain it by saying he was talking about roads and infrastructure. Well, because the government built all that and you couldn't succeed without that help. You need the government to help you! You didn't build that! 
 So what is your choice really? Vote to fundamentally change the United States of America from a Republic to a simple Democracy or vote to keep the Republic? Remember  Aristotle said: " Republics decline into democracies and democracies into despotism. We become just by performing just actions, temperate by performing temperate actions, brave by performing brave actions. Will you vote in favor of a decline? This "choice" the Democrats value so highly they would pack the court to preserve, is that just? The killing of innocent lives as a just act? Using fear as a motivator, as a tool to further your agenda, is that temperate? Isolating and cowering in the corner is that bravery? So I ask again. what is your choice? 

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