Friday, October 2, 2020

the means

  Motivation. That is the topic on my mind this morning. I check my Facebook page each morning as a matter of routine. That block is always there at the top asking, what's on your mind? Motivation is on my mind this morning. As I read all the responses, the meme's and the comments I can not help but think about that. What motivates us to post. It's my feeling for many of us it is simply to make our feelings known. We also have little desire to fully explain those feelings. But it is a way to get that off our chest I suppose, although there are times when I question how wise that decision is. Still it is an exchange of thoughts and that can't be a bad thing. Whether or not those thoughts are based in verifiable facts or simply opinions, it is still an exchange. 
 Yesterday I had someone telling me about how the parties had switched. I'm sure you have heard that myth presented as fact. Those folks will cite the Dixiecrats of the 1960's. Then, just like that the Democratic party changes its' ideology to what the Republicans believe and the Republicans all became Democrats. That's what they will say. No mention of the fact that Strom Thurmond was the only member of the Dixiecrats to change his political affiliation. That truth is glossed over. Also not mentioned is the actual voting record on the civil rights act of 1964. 87% of Republicans in the house voting yea, 61% of the Democrats voting nay. 82% of Republicans in the Senate voting Yea, 69% of the Democrats voting Nay. Despite these facts many Democrats today will say, but the parties flipped. So, you have to ask why? What is the motivation for that? Well if the party I aligned myself with had the history the Democrats have I would be saying that too. The motivation being to distance myself from that, place the blame elsewhere. If doesn't take much of a review of history to show the Democratic party's stance on civil rights. I'd suggest it is that history alone that is the motivation for this construct of the parties switching. It is simply not the truth. The Dixiecrats were a short lived splinter group of the southern Democrats. Only one, just one then joined the Republican party. That is hardly a switching of a political parties platform. One person? I don't think so. 
 Behind every action, every movement, lies motivation. Often the true motivation is hidden. We all tend to present our motivation as a benefit to someone else. seldom do we admit it is for our own benefit. We learn from an early age that is the easiest path to take. The motivation, to help our fellow man, is more often than not, just a ruse. No, more often than not the underlying motivation is not that at all. Even when that action is performed to help others the reward is what? Self satisfaction, It makes you feel good. So what was the motivation? Was it to help or to make yourself feel good about yourself? Aren't all motivations self serving? It's my feeling that yes indeed they are. It is one of the fallibilities of humanity. It is the realization of that that makes us feel uncomfortable at times. Or, at least it should. 
 So as the election draws nearer and we all cast our votes we should examine our motivation. Why are you voting for a particular candidate. What is it that you hope to gain? We all should look beyond the obvious answer, the one most will tell themselves, it's for future generations. Is it really? Ask yourself what is the motivation behind the candidate? What does the candidate hope to gain for themselves? Is it  a legacy, an opportunity to become a Congressman, Senator, Vice-President or President. Is aspiring to those positions, indeed any political position, or position of power however slight, motivated by ego? I'd have to say it must be on some level anyway. That isn't to say their intentions are not good or less than honorable. but what is the base motivation? Examine closely just what your true motivation is, what do you tell yourself. When it comes to political matters I want to make my opinion known. That's why I vote, to express my opinion. I tell myself I'm expressing an opinion on the big picture, the ideology as a whole. The candidates will make promises they feel will appeal to their base. Unfortunately, all too often that works. Look closely at what is being promised by that candidate, for it is those promises that will reveal their true feelings toward you. That isn't their motivation for seeking office, that is just the means to an end. In the end, just before you cast that ballot, ask yourself, to what end. Why am I voting for this?    

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