Wednesday, October 21, 2020

A social society?

 I've been using Facebook for over a decade now. It has become a part of the daily norm. Strange how only ten years ago it was something brand new, cutting edge as they say, at least to me it was. It had been around earlier than that but I had resisted owning a computer. There was a time when I couldn't understand why I would want a computer at all. What could I do with it? I wasn't aware that by having one I would put the worlds library at my fingertips. I won't go as far as to say it is indispensable but like television or the radio I certainly feel the loss if I don't have it. It's true I do spend more time entertaining myself on Facebook than I do browsing in the library. That speaks to human nature I suppose, or my nature at least. I guess that is simply because Facebook is more interactive. It's true that sometimes that interaction is annoying or maddening, but it is interaction. The world talks back. 
 Over the last decade I have seen some changes. Facebook has become far less friendly than I remember it being in the beginning. Seems like folks weren't taking everything as seriously back then. Yes there were a few that just wanted to start trouble but they were ignored for the most part. I remember when some where only interested in growing their "friends" list. It was also popular to see how many celebrity, or semi-celebrities you could acquire. Politics wasn't really a topic of discussion either. Then there was a period of pictures, lots and lots of pictures. I enjoy seeing all the pictures but they have been overtaken by meme's. That is what I see the most of these days, meme after meme. Some are funny, some are mean, some are inappropriate and others are attempting to bring you to God. But always there purpose to present something as briefly as possible. That's because, as a good number of postings will point out, many won't read a longer posting. And that speaks to the "library" doesn't it. Yes, we are in the worlds' library while online, and choose to read the funny papers. Facebook would be found in the periodicals section. 
 I did join one of the sub-groups that formed over time. Those groups attempt to focus your interest a bit more or find friendly ground. The group I joined changed over time, as most things do, and I left that one to form my own. My group is a sub-set of the larger group I had first joined. You could say, just a different part of town. And not surprisingly, birds of a feather have flocked together. Interesting is that those that lived in the other part of "town" followed me for a while, then retreated back into their section of town. Leopards' really can't change their spots. Roots do run deep. I have seen those leave the group, I have restricted but three individuals over my ten year period of Facebooking. 
 I got to thinking about this when I was asked about a member. This was a man I never knew personally, never shook his hand. His was just a voice on the internet, a fellow traveler. But he checked in on a regular basis and was known by many. I had to respond by telling the person who asked that he had passed. Oh, he isn't the first of those I considered my Facebook friend to pass, but each time it hits a bit harder. His presence is missed. I am reminded sometimes by the birthday notifications. I look at those names and realize they are gone now, celebrating in heaven. The impersonal world of computers doesn't recognize that I suppose and so continues to post. And so sometimes I admit, I don't remember and am left puzzled. Should I wish that person Happy Birthday? I wouldn't want to hurt the feelings of their loved ones. Sometimes I'm uncertain as to the response? Most times if I'm uncertain I'll just say nothing at all. That is because I do feel a personal connection to the majority of the people I interact with. Total strangers I try to give the benefit of the doubt but often find they are rude, crude, and will attack you in an instant. Society has definitely become far more aggressive than in the past. My thinking is that is simply because in the past, "polite company" also included being in the physical presence of that person, and as a result we were more reserved. There was a bit more of a feeling out period before challenging. 
 Well a decade of Facebook. Old friends and new. For me Facebook is a distraction. I like to see others photographs, read their little stories and exchange a little friendly banter. It is a place you can share your thoughts, your inspirations and receive feedback. Yeah that feedback can be a problem sometimes. But, you have to take the good with the bad. I try to post a Good Morning every day. Ironically today I forgot to do so but will following this post. I started that because it is my feeling that Facebook is supposed to be a social network so we should be sociable. Sometimes it seems to me we are losing that art, the art of being sociable. I still speak to strangers, exchange little quips and jokes. I get looks at times, suspicious looks, looks of fear, looks of puzzlement. Some folks just aren't used to people talking to them I guess. At least not real people, in person. What's that saying about society in general? I wonder. 

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