Friday, October 23, 2020

your choice

  I occasionally drop a truth bomb or two on the New York Times postings. Did that the other day and I got mentioned over 142 times! I felt like I was going viral. at least according to those people commenting I was sick! Funny thing is I don't recall exactly what is was that I wrote. Whatever it was it is just an everyday fact to me, that's why I don't remember. Nothing new, no earth shattering revelation, well except to the readers of the Times I guess, they sure were upset. I'm guessing it has something to do with my conservative values, morals or sense of justice. Those are the usual things that upset those folks. They sure don't like it when they are told they are actually accountable, or responsible for stuff that happens to them. Stuff like getting arrested when you break the law. You shouldn't be arrested, you should be rehabilitated and given an award for that. Yes, if you "make a mistake" you shouldn't be punished for that mistake, you should be celebrated for having made that mistake! That's liberal logic at its' finest.
 I realize of course that it is my truth and truth is not universal. That is because apparently we don't all live in the same universe. I've always known city folk have different ideas about things. But now it appears that it isn't only the city folks, the demographic is much larger. I've always associated the Times with those city folks. It is after all, the New York Times, and that used to be the central theme of that paper. You do produce your product to the demographic. The Times used to enjoy a stellar reputation as an informative and insightful newspaper. A bit of the upper crust as it where. No more however, in my opinion they might as well be labeled a tabloid these days. The bias in their reporting is so obvious, so blatant, so politically motivated as to be laughable. 
 What happened to the times? How did this newspaper wind up being little more than a rag sheet? Corporate control is the obvious answer. You would have to be 84 years old to have seen the New York Times endorse a Republican for President. To say they lean left is a gross understatement. Fact is that paper was always in favor of the Democratic mindset. It is just that the mindset has become more alien with the passing years. The Times appealed to those city folks most of all. City folks tend to embrace the concepts of the Democrats. Government control is the top priority of the Democrats. They are the party of dependence, not independence. City folks, both rich and poor, are used to being dependent upon government, in its' many forms, for most everything. They stand in stark contrast to the country folks. Country folks resent the intervention of government. There is a fundamental difference in philosophy. City folks figure laws give them something, they stand to gain from them. Country folks figure laws are made to punish people for doing bad things. 
 I suppose I'm like everyone else I live in my little world. I venture out into a larger world every now and again and am often surprised or even shocked. The country boy in the big city. The big city is a dangerous place to be at times. The danger coming from a philosophy. In the city it's every man for themselves. Don't speak to strangers and don't trust anyone. Seems like a stereotype doesn't it? It holds a lot of truth though. It's dog eat dog in the city. In the country most folks just mind their own business. They will speak, offer a good day or a nod of the head. The difference being in the country you are in plain sight, no hiding in the crowd. You will be known in short order by the deeds you do and the words you speak. Country folks are naturally trusting, but don't cross them, they will act independently! That is to say, the law comes later on, after the punishment. 
 There really are two worlds in America today spread across the continent. There are city folks living in the country, and country folks in the city. Left and right and those in-between. Mass communication is what bred this. My fear is the city folks will prevail in the end. That philosophy of dependence will eventually make it impossible to be independent. We are getting closer to that every year. There are many restrictions today that we all just take as normal. Can you build your own home? Can you just drive a well point and get water? How about traveling the highways? Can you chop down a tree or fish a stream? In most cases, you can not. You require "permission" from someone. Make no mistake about it, government is someone. And you can bet your bottom dollar that "someone" wants something in return. Your independence is dependent upon your dependence upon "someone  " It isn't you! My advice is simply, be careful who you vote to be that "someone." Some want a whole lot more than others, choose wisely.   

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