Wednesday, October 7, 2020

conscience by majority?

  Polls, we are always hearing about polls. Biden is ahead by 12 pts. 85% of those that voted for Trump in the last election would vote for him again. 70% of Americans support abortion. There are polls telling us how accurate the polls are. If you were to spend just a few moments you can find a poll to support any position you wish to take. You can also find ones to counter those. Strangely I have never been asked to take part in any polling at all. I've never even known anyone that participated in any "official" polling. I have to say I place little faith in any of these polls. I wouldn't risk any of my money on them. You would have thought the Democrats learned a little something about that in 2016. All the polls declaring Hillary would win! Yeah, real accurate. But the Democrats didn't learn a thing just searched for ways to explain the actual result. Their favorite is, it was the electoral college and we need to do away with that. Well, that's not going to happen. I do find it strange that the Dems place so much stock in these polls, when they trend in their direction. But when confronted with actual statistics they will ignore that. Like this one for instance, 73.4% of the time the incumbent President has won reelection since 1900. That is immediately discounted. Okay then.
 Now I'm not saying the Republicans aren't doing the same thing, they certainly are. Poll after poll in an attempt to show support for Trump. They also place much stock in all of that. Of course, both parties do tend to poll those folks they believe will give them the desired result. The Democrats polling in the large cities and the Republicans in the more rural areas. Then both parties using those results in an attempt to sway the undecided. It's an appeal to those that just don't want to commit to a decision. Those that will just follow the herd. And some people will vote for a certain candidate just to say, my choice won. They don't really know anything about the candidate just what the polls show. The desire to go with the "winner" is strong in those folks. 
 Voting, choosing your candidate, is supposed to be about what is best for the country. It isn't supposed to hinge upon what you want for yourself. That's the premise anyway. We are all aware however that isn't the way it works in actual practice. That's the reason those candidates make all the promises that they do. It is an attempt to appeal to your personal preferences. Voting for the President and all our other representatives is voting for the conscience of the nation. The decisions they make, the legislation they pass, will define that conscience. That is where the spin begins, the justification of conscience. The most glaring example to me is this idea that abortion is health care. How anyone with a conscience can justify that baffles me. A nation that feels murdering the unborn is a viable alternative. Nations in the past offered human sacrifices, how is aborting babies any different than that? Both actions take a life in exchange for something that pleases them. Conscience is doing what you know to be the correct thing, whether you like it or not. Is killing babies ever the right thing?  
 We often hear the justification for that as a woman's right to choose. It's a choice. What is that really saying though? Aren't we saying, we will justify what we all know to be wrong, murdering babies, by saying you can choose to be wrong? And by choosing to be wrong, you are right because you have a right to be wrong? And that satisfies your conscience? What is that saying about the strength of your convictions? They aren't very strong at all if you buy into that. Well everyone was doing it! If the majority says it is alright, it must be alright. Conscience by majority rule? There is only one person that controls your conscience and that person is you. You govern you. If you believe in God and believe you will face his judgement, do you really believe God will forgive you , well, because everyone was doing it? And even if you do not believe in any God, no afterlife, no nothing, can you say killing babies is justifiable? Can you honestly say it's a valid choice? If you can, then you would also have to support killing anyone, at anytime, for any reason you feel valid. Why not?
 So what are the purpose of polls? I'd say they are an attempt to define the conscience of the voters, of the nation. Politicians will respond to those polls accordingly. They will make their promises based on the results of those polls. Many voters will base their decision based on those polls. When a politician makes promises that make you uncomfortable, that is the time to listen closely. That discomfort comes from your conscience. It doesn't come from popularity! Conscience isn't concerned with that, only with what is right. 

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