Friday, October 30, 2020


  I made a post about it yesterday. Gayle King reporting the news and using the term "badass" to describe a guest. I wasn't really listening to her but that jumped out of the background. For me it speaks to a lack of professionalism, a lack of decorum if you will. I see it as a reflection of the bigger attitude in America today. It just seems like it is all getting just a little too folksy to me. Yes, we are all equal under the law or are supposed to be anyway. But I was raised in a different way, a different time. I had role models! Those role models were television personalities like Walter Cronkite, the most trusted man in America. The Police were to be respected and obeyed. Everyone was exceptional, but no one was an exception. 
 This morning I hear on the news that Walmart has removed all guns and ammunition from their stores in response to rioting and looting. Imagine that, in America, a major retailer has to safeguard their inventory against gangs of thieves roaming the streets. What is being done about it? More importantly what can be done? When you have a populace that has grown accustomed to this sort of thing, you have a society on the brink. It may seem like a small thing, Gayle King saying this person is a badass, but what is the implication? This person will take violent action! That's what is being implied, plain and simple. A badass doesn't give a speech, or participate in peaceful protests, no, a badass uses force! And Gayle King is endorsing that behavior, indeed praising that. A small thing? It isn't just Gayle King either, I hear this all the time from all strata of society. Yes, you can say the President acts in the same fashion and that would be true. Trump surely isn't the most presidential of men. His demeanor is the typical New Yorker, at least the typical New Yorker born and raised in the city! The city is a tough neighborhood. You hear Senators and Congressmen using the same language and tactics. Rough language, coarse and bordering on vulgar at times. It is has become prevalent in our nation. And why is that? Because we have freedom of speech? Or because we wish to appear as a "badass?" 
 In my thinking we have lost a great deal of civility in our civilization. Have you listened to television commercials lately? What are they advertising? The latest I've heard is an advertisement for some feminine product that protects you against the gush! Yes, that is what they say. I expect some folks are laughing, that nervous laugh when you know something is just wrong, but you're cool. Another commercial talks about erections! Yes, not every man looks the same and that can be an addressable medical condition. More nervous laughter. Are there no barriers to civil discourse? My thinking is, this is similar to the story of clothes make the man. Allow this to go on, without speaking up and pointing out the truth, and it will just continue. And yes, I feel this just wrong. 
 It is just my feeling that we aren't even trying anymore. We have decided the standard is too high so we just keep lowering that standard. Where the standard used to be, don't do the wrong, it is now justify why you did it. As long as you can provide some excuse, it's alright. Heck, you can blame your parents, if all else fails. We are adopting this Robin Hood attitude. It's alight to be a criminal as long as being a criminal is for a good cause. as long as some justification is offered it is acceptable. I don't know, it is difficult for me to explain. I'm just thinking we have lost our sense of propriety. Observing the proprieties isn't a weakness, it takes strength of character. Just who do we have to admire today? Sports figures? Pop stars? Hollywood? All entertainers. Where are the leaders in character? They're not in politics or journalism! No, we have lowered the bar. Just keep us amused and we will go along with just about anything. Heck, we'll even say, that's badass. 

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