Wednesday, October 14, 2020

keeping a record

  Yesterday I wrote a story about a gate. Yes, a gate. I just write about whatever comes to mind most mornings and am just as surprised at those reading them. Or I guess people are surprised I can't see their reactions. I'm surprised anyone bothers to read them at all to tell you the truth about it. But I have received encouragement over the years and will continue a long as I am amused. I believe that is the way it is with the majority of us. Maybe that would change if I started making a lot of money. I wonder about that some times as well. Not just myself, but I wonder if success effects the artist, regardless of what that art may be. If you are making money would you continue even if you were no longer amused? I suppose you would. Is that what happened to one hit wonders? 
 But after writing that post about a gate another thought occurred to me, when we remember the little things, the bigger picture becomes clearer. I think that is what is meant when we say, it's all in the details. That is something I firmly hold to be true, it is in the details. I am what I'd call a jack of all trades and master at none. That is to say I dabble in lots of things. It is the details that make a project stand out, give it that special appeal. It's true even when we are not consciously aware of those details. I also believe that is true in our lives. It is something I have only begun to appreciate in the twilight. LOL, that last comment I have to chuckle at, you know being a senior and all. Still, it's true you do have to reach a degree of maturity, I prefer that term to aging, to understand that. I guess that gate I was writing about is one of those details. It doesn't have any significant purpose, no great defining moment or memory, but is just there, in the picture. A small detail to draw the eye. Just a single thread in the tapestry of life. Yeah, I used that cliché but it is a good one. 
 We have to study the details in order to understand the whole. It seems obvious enough doesn't it? I've always told my sons, you have to know how it works before you can fix it. That's not always true, but it sure is helpful information. When it comes to humans we call that knowledge, empathy. Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. What it isn't is adopting that feeling or understanding as fact.
  Empirical evidence can be deceiving when we fail to examine that evidence closely. We can not assume the emotion justifies the reaction. We get angry, but most agree, violence isn't the answer. Only through discussion, the free exchange of information, can a resolution be reached that is amicable to all. Yes, it is in the details. To understand those details requires a close examination of fact, not emotion. The only secret to negotiation is the acceptance of facts. We have to agree on what the facts are. 
 I'm thinking that is why some like to reminisce more than others. That is based in the acceptance of fact. It's true, even when we have doubts. What I mean is, that's what we remember, therefore that is what was. Take that gate I wrote about as an example. Is the description 100% accurate? Probably not, but it is what I remember. What I remember stirs some emotions within me, a feeling. By writing that feeling I hope you share in that. That's empathy. Well, it's empathy if I am successful anyway. But will you feel the same way regarding that gate? No you won't. It's still just a story that perhaps stirred a memory, or some emotional response in you. It doesn't become your memory. 
 This morning I'm writing about what I wrote about yesterday. I'm still trying to figure out what I wanted to say. I haven't condensed that thought yet. But I guess I was just thinking about getting older and examining my life. Life is in the details! I have this desire to leave every memory of mine behind for others to enjoy. But those memories include lessons learned, mistakes made, and insecurities. I think that is why I began writing things down. It doesn't bother me when I can't remember things, after all I forgot, so why would I remember. It does bother me when others remember and remind me of what I forgot. Does that make sense? So, I figure I'll write that stuff down, keep crib notes on my past as it where. I had almost forgotten about that gate, now it's recorded as I remember it. And maybe, maybe that is all that is necessary. 

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