Sunday, October 11, 2020

a public service?

  I felt compelled this morning to block an individual on Facebook. Now I've only done that twice in the past. One I remember quite well and the reasons for doing so, the other one I don't remember at all. But the person I blocked this very morning I have hesitated to block for well over a year. That really has been in the interest of fairness, our dispute began as a give and take. No one's fault in particular, just one of those things. People that felt as though they were friends, but after a period of time there were just two many differences. It is I that chose to just walk away. I did so, not blocking this person, just not responding to any comments. At some point I did remove this person from a group that I administrate and have sole control over membership. I did that in response to being informed, on many occasions, that I shouldn't leave comments on anyone else's "page" on Facebook. My response to that has always been the same, if you post something publicly, don't complain when the public responds. That's also the reason I hesitated so long to block this person on my regular Facebook "page" or wall, whatever the heck you call it. But this morning, this morning I noticed something disturbing. 
 It has become my custom to grab my coffee in the morning, start the computer and check my e-mail. After clearing out all the junk, that's the vast majority of e-mail that I get, I continue on to check any notifications. I do that to sort of catch up on things. I'm also in the habit of going to bed early and so miss the evening gossip and comments. As I checked those notifications a stream of them appeared from a certain individual, not that unusual for this person. I gloss over them, not reading most of them. Sometimes however they are mixed in with others comments, comments that I enjoy reading, not necessarily comments I agree with though, just comments from those I value enough to read. So I do read this comment, left on one of my postings. It isn't so much what the posting said as I noticed something creepy. This is something I had posted two weeks ago! So, this person that I have ignored, just not responded to at all, is now going back two weeks into my postings to leave comments? Now, that's creepy, like a stalker almost. An obsession? That's what I'm thinking when you just can't leave something alone. An obsession can either be good or bad. If you are searching out postings from two weeks ago to leave comments, that can't be good, at least that's my thinking.
 Now I'm known to be relentless when it comes to discussion, I seldom give up. I will say the same thing over and over trying to make whatever point it is I'm trying to make. I'm opinionated, forthright and sometimes, when riled, downright rude. I'm aware of all that. I can have a sharp tongue and a biting wit. I have a good memory for slights, comments made, and claims made by others. I will use those as barbs when countering others remarks! But I can take as much as I give and so am not concerned. Nothing personal to me about that. I will reach a certain point where I am not amused. You'll know it when I do. Even though I refused to respond to this particular individual, out of respect for what friendship we did enjoy over a period of a few years on Facebook, I remained amused. I did feel a tinge of guilt for that, but call it a character flaw if you will, I was amused by the comments being left. The more juvenile and petty they became, the more amused I was. But this morning I had to end all of that. It has become concerning to me. This person is obviously quite troubled. I wouldn't want to drive anyone over the edge. So, goodbye, fair winds and a following sea. I do hope you don't sail over the edge. I'll think of it as a public service.    


  1. For years I've taken note that when one disagrees with you, you dismiss them (even using that term 'you are dismissed') or you quit speaking to them. So much for your claim that you like a good debate. So what if he or she gives you their side? You LOVE a good argument, as evidenced by your visiting the NY Times site time and again to needle those commenters there. If you get your longed-for pat on the back, all is well. When your ego is stroked, all is well. If not, hmmmmm....who does THAT sound like, I wonder? By the way, I am completely sane.... and having spoken to many of the people I know, if they've not read something they normally do for a few days..or weeks even, they, too, scroll down to see what they've missed or to locate something they might have read on an earlier day. There's nothing obsessive about that. You, yourself, have stated numerous times that if something is posted on a forum, you (and others) expect comments. Well, here ya go.... a comment

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