Monday, October 12, 2020

Officially observed

 In 1492 Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue. A little ditty I was taught to remember the discovery of the new world. I believe every child in America was taught that, guess that'll be changing soon though. Apparently it has been determined that Columbus does not deserve recognition for his discovery because of his moral character. He's a bad man. This from those on the left supporting what I consider a whole string of immoral practices. in fact making laws in support of those practices. It's a world turned upside down. But I have written my thoughts on all that plenty of times. All things are subject to change, except history, although there are many trying to do just that these days. Their desire being to write history the way they wished it had been instead of the way it actually was. Christopher Columbus really did sail the ocean blue and discovered north America, although he wasn't aware of that, still didn't change what he did in that regard. As far as what he did later, well, that's what people were doing in those times. People are still doing the same thing today, just in not so obvious a fashion. The intent is the same, to enrich themselves at the expense of others. It is only the manner of execution that differs. 
 You know it's funny I never heard too much about Columbus except for that voyage in 1492. I expect we were taught a great deal more about all of that but in all honesty I just don't recall. But today apparently many people have become experts on this man and what he did. Have they read history and that history then triggered them? Is that what has happened to cause this backlash? What other heroes in history may have been villain's? Was honest Abe not really so honest? Hey, it has been exposed that Washington didn't really cut down that cherry tree either. But Columbus, Columbus is just so offensive! Same as those statues of southern generals, bad men, exercising bad moral choices. What of Captain Jones? Do you know who he was? He brought settlers to the shores of what we call Massachusetts today. Captain Jones was captain of the Mayflower! Did you know that fact? I didn't had to google that information. I knew they arrived in 1620 but didn't know who was responsible. He was a Christopher too! You could say he brought all the trouble to the new world. So far, he has been safe from the histories executioners. Maybe that's because so few know his name. I hope I haven't let the cat out of the bag so to speak.
 Now there was that other guy Magellan, he was before Columbus. He did a lot of stuff. He named the Pacific ocean. He named the straits of Magellan, All Saints strait, later renamed in his honor. He found t the westward route to Asia. You know what he didn't do? He didn't sail all the way around the world, nope, he was killed in the Philippines while trying to convert them to Christianity! His fleet eventually completed the circumnavigation but he didn't. Strangely, Magellan still gets the credit. We had better correct that history don't you think? Well I guess it's alright as long as we don't have a Magellan day. Two hundred and seventy men set sail with Magellan and only 18 of the original bunch made that circumnavigation. Magellan is responsible for that! Some hero, right? 
 But today, today is Columbus day in America. It became an official holiday in 1937. My mother was eight years old at the time, today she is 91. If some get their way way Columbus day may be celebrated no more, replaced by indigenous peoples day. I don't get it, they didn't discover north America, they were already here! Good old Chris just told them were they were. He was like the GPS of his day. Well, ok, Christopher Columbus never really set foot in north America, the closet he came was what we call Cuba. The indigenous people never knew he passed by. Near as I could tell never have we canceled a holiday. That is to say, have a federal holiday on the calendar, then remove it. Maybe that's why we are changing the name to Indigenous people day. If we cancel Columbus day, cancel that holiday, we would also lose a federal holiday! Hey, Columbus may be offensive but we sure like our holiday so we'll just rename it, If we didn't we would then have to start the whole process of creating a new holiday and deciding on that date. What day could we choose? Wouldn't want to possibly offend anyone tribe or peoples. When did indigenous people arrive here in north America? Some scientists are now saying 80% of the native peoples in north America are descendants of the clovis people and arrived in north America about 13,000 years ago. But they don't know what day that would have been. They aren't even sure on the month! Well, we'll just rename Columbus day, keep that day off with pay and call it good. Columbus might offend us but a day off won't. Happy Columbus Day, this year may be the last time it's official. A federal holiday is only official if you get paid for it, no matter what you call it.        

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