Monday, October 19, 2020

a plan for government

  Yesterday, once again I tried to read the Democratic platform, I couldn't finish it. That document contains little of substance. I expect if you are a Democrat you would love it as it says everything a true liberal/socialist would like to hear. I was reading to try to grasp the plan. Things is, they don't really have a plan at all. That platform is nothing more than a condemnation of Donald Trump and little else. A description of a Utopian society where it's all rainbows and unicorns. I read a little of what they say they won't do, and those are the things that should be done. No securing the border, no holding illegal people accountable for their actions or activities. Open borders, free everything for everybody, and only the top 1% of the top !% of wage earners will fund it all. No new taxes, just the removal of tax breaks that Trump instituted. They won't be new taxes, they will be the old taxes, see how that works? 
 The Republicans didn't write a new platform this time around. They just stayed with the one they had. The goals are the same. Their platform isn't about how much they hate and despise Biden. or anyone else. The Republican platform just spells out what the party wishes to accomplish and a plan to do that. The Republican platform is based on a simple belief, the people are the best stewards of the Republic, not government. Their platform talks about and explains improvements to the tax code. The whole document stands in stark contrast to the Democratic manifesto! 
 I'm well aware of the hatred and vitriol aimed at Trump. I'm well aware of attacks on Bidens' competency to serve. This election cycle has become ugly. It is a disgrace. I'm ashamed in the face of the world, a world I believe that looks to America as an example. Say what you will about America but you don't see thousands of people attempting to flee to other nations. No, the objective is to get to America. It has historically been so and remains that way to this day. The land of the free and the home of the brave. We all need to review our history not to find faults, but to see the reason for our success. In my view the Republicans want to preserve that legacy, retain our heritage of independence. Yes, there were injustices in the past, attempts have been made to correct those. We have litigated everything that can be litigated. No matter the desire, you can not litigate how people feel. Those that harbor hate, prejudice, and any other negative emotion will continue to do so regardless of any law. There are no laws impeding anyone! The truth is we have created programs to help those that are disadvantaged. Programs that can be viewed as biased. Those programs, no matter how well intended, do favor certain demographic groups on a broad scale. An attempt to level the field? Depends upon which team you are playing for doesn't it? 
 Well the thing is this. When you go to cast your vote you should be voting for the idea, for the platform upon which the party stands. Presidential elections, any election, shouldn't be focused on the popularity of the person, but rather the popularity of the platform. The candidate is really just the pitch man. It's true that some are much better than others at filling that role. Like the coach, they will be held accountable for the results. But it takes a team to get things done. The President leads the team, that much is true, but the President doesn't propose every action, every play in the book. We need to read the playbook and vote on that! It's unfortunate that so many just hear the pep talk, the rallying cries, and the optimistic reassurance that we will WIN. That is what they cast their ballot on, having never read the play book. My suggestion is simply to read the play book. Will these ideas work? Are they really viable, common sense solutions? Are they fair to everyone? Or is that playbook really just an outline of what they would like to accomplish? No plan to do that really, just saying, we will win. A plan for government, not for people. That's the difference in my opinion. The Republican plan is to allow the people to help themselves, the Democratic plan is, the government will tell you what to do. In fact the government will legislate what you are allowed to do, who you are allowed to it with, and when.   

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