Tuesday, October 20, 2020

a warning

 I read an article on Facebook about Disney attaching disclaimers to some of their older cartoons and movies. Yes, the ones I grew up watching, and you probably did too.  The disclaimer involves racist stereotypes. Indians with red faces, and other discriminatory caricatures that could certainly  implant, on a subliminal level, prejudicial thoughts and beliefs in children! And not only that, those with  disabilities as well, think Mr. Magoo. Elmer Fudd is another offensive character that our chidden should be warned about. So Disney will preface those things with a full disclaimer that I'm certain all the children will read and comprehend fully. I'm as equally certain the parents will explain all of that to their preschool children as well. It's definitely going to make this world a better place. 
 I do wonder about such things. Is this being done to benefit children or to avoid litigation? I'm quite certain some " marginalized group " has tried to sue Disney over something silly like a caricature. Hey we are renaming football teams over that these days. I can't see how including a disclaimer would change the way children view a cartoon. Still Disney says it is for the children. Of course Disney is now involved in many things that aren't very childlike at all, some bordering on outright pedophilia. Disney has definitely turned the corner on cutesy, immature, simple comedy. Well it is their company I suppose, and they are going to go wherever the money is. 
 The thing to me is this, when I was growing up I was taught the difference between reality and fantasy. It seems to me a lot of people are living in a fantasy world these days. A world were everything is just right, nothing offensive, politically correct, and socially acceptable. I knew a cartoon when I watched one. The humor was because it was so silly! Talking animals, people doing stupid things, what is called slapstick comedy, it was hilarious. Didn't require a disclaimer to explain to me that a stick of dynamite stuck in someone's pants would kill them. Knew that even though I had never seen a stick of dynamite, fact is, I haven't seen one yet. Mr. Magoo had a houseboy named Charlie, although it was always pronounced Cholly as he was an Asian stereotype. Cholly was hilarious in the way he spoke English but wasn't the source of comedy, that was Magoo. Today however, that is very offensive, requires a warning! Funny thing is there was a Chinese gentleman I knew as a child that sounded a whole lot like Cholly. He was funny too, just like the man with a hair lip. Didn't think any less of those people though, I didn't need a disclaimer to tell me anything about any of that. 
 Well, I suppose I'm just an old bigot, prejudiced and insensitive. Guess I'm not "woke." So be it. I know reality from fantasy and embrace reality. Thing about the truth is, sometimes it hurts. Sometimes you don't like it, sometimes it is just plain inconvenient. And sometimes, sometimes the truth can hurt your feelings. But I don't want to be a boy mommy, that's okay dear, you can be a girl. But those old cartoons, now, the children should be warned about them. They could get their feelings hurt.   

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