Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Ethical fluidity

 The student moans when the test is presented. Uncertain they know the lesson, or all they need to know, they are bothered by the testing of it. They have to demonstrate the lessons they have learned. And isn't that the way of life also. We are called upon not to learn, but to demonstrate. It is our actions that expose our weakness in learning. To just present the answer, as a multiple choice gives us an unfair advantage, we may simply get lucky. And yet that is what has become the norm today. The answer dependent upon circumstance and chance. Which answer fits the narrative of the moment. Fluidity in ethics? Yes indeed I see examples of that every day. It is the reason we hear the moans of those who feel oppressed in some fashion, those who fear the test. But it isn't fear. it is reality that challenges the senses. There is little one can do but accept reality or create a curtain to screen themselves from that. I'd suggest that is the true purpose of wealth and power, to act as a curtain, a shield against the realities of this world. Wealth can provide comforts and power distance from displeasure. High in our ivory tower, we are separated. And today, today we all are facing the test, even those with wealth and power, there is no escape. 
 As I listened to the morning news, all the gloom and doom about this virus and the realities associated with it, I was thinking about being tested. As I've written in the past if you want to know what you believe, write. That is the reason I began writing in the first place. My thought then was to create a record, a sort of diary of my thoughts to share with future generations. I wasn't aware at that time, but I have written and am writing, is what I believe. Have some of my beliefs changes over time? Yes, I'd say they have although not in any grand awakening sort of way. No Epiphany. no ah ha moment. The struggle is the justification of belief. That's my analysis so far. It's a conversation with myself, for I've found the hardest person to convince of belief, is yourself! That is to say to demonstrate the correct answer in every situation regardless of your personal want, need, or desire. That's belief in the answer. 
 I also heard on the news that some pre-schools and nursery schools are using songs to teach children how long to wash their hands. I had heard you should wash for twenty seconds, about the time it takes to sing Happy Birthday. One of our local reporters has young children of her own. As has become the standard practice in broadcasting the news these days she often shares personal stories. She was explaining this morning that her children were being taught to sing that song " baby shark " a song I've heard about, it apparently being quite a phenomena. She was singing the song herself. After having listened to all the sobering statistics about this virus and its' spread, along with mortality was brought to mind. Will the " baby shark " song become forever associated with this pandemic much like " ring around the Rosie " is associated with the Black Death? Will children in the future sing that song with no realization of it being associated with washing your hands? 
 There are those that say the song Ring around the Rosie was around for centuries before the plague. They maintain that song has nothing to do with that at all and was later fabricated. That very well may be the case, we will never know. I wasn't aware of any such association when I was a kid that much is certain. I can't honestly say I ever played that game but most likely I did on at least one occasion. Hey, I have done the Hokey Pokey so anything is possible. This pandemic will be remembered for some time. But given the fickle nature of our social consciousness these days, not for centuries anyway. There are many that couldn't tell you about 9/11, beginning with the actual year that event took place, the event we were encouraged to never forget. Well they said that about the Alamo too. I'd suggest if it weren't for Davy Crocket, Daniel Boone and Hollywood, it would have been forgotten. They say hindsight is 20/20 and I can't wait to look back on this episode in history. Let's all hope we learn the lesson being taught, Thing is, only you can decide just what that lesson is. I probably won't know what that answer is until some time in the future, if I'm that lucky. Sometimes, we never know the answer at all and just have to go on faith.      

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