Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Social distance

 Not reading an excessive amount of political rhetoric on Facebook and that's a good thing. I had to chuckle a bit when they had a mental health expert on television talking about isolation. Yeah, like we are so isolated these days. But the professional said to not read too much negative stuff, it'll bring you down. Did you learn that is your master clinician class? Money well spent on education. LOL This expert on isolation had suggestions to help us all survive! We can be survivors by getting engaged with positive pursuits. Well, my Grandmother would tell you to stay busy, idle hands do the devils work, but she didn't have a PhD, just experience. She did raise ten children and stayed busy all the time. But with the presumptive nomination of Joe Biden to run against Trump in November not a whole lot of talk. The only emphasis I'm seeing is the left desperately searching for any fault, any reason, any excuse to blame Trump for this virus. Yeah just blame Trump and everyone stay home and demand the government keep you in the lifestyle you have grown accustomed too. The plan there is, you'll get used to it! 
 You know when I was a kid and did something bad I was grounded. That's what we called it anyway but really it was social isolation. I was kept a safe distance from all my friends, a distance greater than six feet was imposed! I could go outside, in the yard, my yard and that was that. Inside I had two television channels to choose from, unless someone else wanted to watch the other channel that is. I did have plenty of books to read, whole shelves of them in fact. We had the Encyclopedia Britannia and a series of science books to explore. There was the home health guide that contained rememdies and advice for all kinds of illness. The pictures were clinical but still pretty hot. No cell phone, no Instagram, no computers, no internet, as I said, no cable tv! There were no such things as video players, dvd's, cd's, Netflix, or anything else. Heck we didn't even have an super 8 movie. We did have Viewmaster slides though now that I think about it. Not as isolated as you might think, we had slides from around the world. The phone was in the kitchen and so was Mom most of the time, not that I had anyone to call, kids calling other kids wasn't a thing in the fifties. No, we rode our bike over to their house and asked if they could come out. I lived down to Three Mile Harbor, on a dirt road, not many came knocking. If they had, they would have been informed I was grounded. I don't believe my mother would have told them I was being socially isolated! NO, I was in solitary confinement! It was for my own good, as I was informed on more than one occasion. And I hate to admit it but it's true. I am prepared for this social isolation now, without suffering anxiety attacks or having thoughts of suicide. That was a big concern of that professional on television, he had been counseling some that had those thoughts during this period of isolation. 
 Another area of concern I do hear about is the childrens' education. The schools are closed, it's distance learning time. But there are children that do not have the internet! OMG, how can you expect children to learn anything without the internet? What do you expect them to do, read books? I was informed that text books are just outdated technology. The books aren't a good investment because they have to be rewritten every year. Well, if you lean toward the left I suppose that is true, after all they are always rewriting history. Still a math book that teaches a student to add and subject is just as valid if it was written in 1953 as it would be today, Well, that is excluding this common core crap. But the point is I learned to add and subtract in the 1950's and can still do that today. I haven't felt any need to get a new textbook to show me how. Strange though, I didn't hear anything about this injustice, not having high speed internet and a computer at home, until the kids had to stay home. I guess all those kids were just using the one at school and the libraries right? Yeah, I remember going to the library when I was a kid, a great excuse to get a break from that social distancing. I really didn't do that much actual school work at the library. I'm thinking as far as that goes not much has changed. Well the bottom line is children can get educated without a computer, without an internet. Yes, it's possible. You know Gates and Jobs didn't have computers or the internet! No, yet somehow they received enough of an education to build computers! Al Gore came along and invented the internet though. LOL You know, to share all that information. Information that came from where? Books mostly. Now isn't that amazing.  

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