Monday, April 27, 2020

what not to believe

 An old Greek guy named Euripides said, " A man's most valuable trait is a judicious sense of what not to believe. " Now I'm not Greek, old by some standards, but I couldn't have said it any better. As I like to point out there is little one can say that hasn't been said before. Humanity and the human condition hasn't changed all that much over the centuries. It is only in the area of convenience that progress has been realized, human nature, not so much. I'm thinking today, more than ever, Euripides was certainly telling the truth of the matter. I know I am far less likely to believe what is reported today than I was in the past. Integrity? Unfortunately, in my opinion, that has been replaced with prosperity in a great number of cases. It isn't about providing information to the masses anymore, it's about telling them what to think. Well that is, as long as a profit is to be realized! That same old Greek guy also said, " Money is far more persuasive than logical argument. " Yup, he was right again. That is also quite evident today if you are really paying attention. Think someone like a Bill Gates. What is his qualification to speak on population control, world health matters, and the like? Wealth? Yes, he's a smart guy when it comes to computers and such, a great businessman, although some would call his ethics into question, but what are his qualifications? He's got lots of money and so people listen to him. But that can be said about any number of people in this country and the world. Money is power, far more powerful than rhetoric, ethics, or morality. And that is what Euripides was talking about. With enough money one doesn't have to be logical. Or when you fear that your money may be in jeopardy, toss logic to the wind. Start passing out money and you will garner many followers, at least until the money runs out.
 The government has decided to close down the country in response to this pandemic. Seems logical enough in the short term, but what about the long term? Not without money. That's the reality  of the situation. Yes the government is giving you back some of your money, don't forget that tidbit of information, government money is your money, not some magical fairy dust that appears. Remember, even the government will eventually run out of your money! Read that again, run out of your money. Now that is where a "judicious sense of what to believe " enters the picture. The truth is over 98% of the people that get infected with Covid 19 make a full recovery. We keep hearing that this is an unprecedented time in history. Fact is, the Spanish Flu, H1N1 was far more deadly than this virus. And yes it was a Novel virus, meaning it was a brand new thing, unknown before its' appearance in 1918. Ten million or more died. For that reason, logically, this event isn't unprecedented. I'm not believing the hype, just heeding the warnings and advice. Exercising a judicious sense of what to believe.
 There are protests popping up against the closing of business. Why? Money is the answer. Money is a more persuasive argument than logical argument. If the economy were predicated upon logic we would all be broke! Socialism is an attempt to run a government based solely in logic, although disguised as humanitarian, for the people. Don't believe it, every socialist state will eventually run out of other people's money. Yes, everyone will be equal, equally broke. Well except for those in power that convinced you how great the system was. Those folks will not suffer until there is a coup, rebellion, or all out civil war that removes them from office. Thomas Jefferson wrote, " The God who gave us life, gave us liberty at the same time. To preserve our independence we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. We must make our election between economy and liberty, or profusion and servitude. " This is a precarious time when we must take care to not saddle future generations with an insurmountable debt. Liberty will be lost, and liberty once surrendered can only be retrieved by revolt.
 Jefferson also wrote: " Whenever the people are well informed, they can be trusted with their own government, that whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice, they may be relied on to set them to rights. " Isn't that speaking to what Euripides was saying? " A man's most valuable trait is a judicious sense of what not to believe. " 

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