Sunday, April 12, 2020


 It's Easter morning. All my children and grandchildren being grown, there is no Easter bunny. I rather miss him. And yes, the Easter bunny is a boy bunny. You know when I was a kid we never really gave any of that a thought. Gender was an assumed thing depending upon the job. Carrying eggs and candy in a basket, delivering them to homes all across the country, that's a man's job. Now the tooth fairy, certainly a girl, all fairies are girls. No further comment on that subject. But anyway I rather miss the Easter bunny. The wife and I did dye a few eggs, make a Easter basket for ourselves, just because. My wife found an old basket we had around for some reason, I'm guessing something came in it. It is just a plain woven basket, like the kind those gift sets come in. This Easter is certainly going to be different. What with the social restrictions it can't help but be.
 The governor of Maryland did make a public statement that the Easter bunny was still going to make his rounds. He was reassuring the children. Whereas I appreciate the thought and the gesture I don't believe many little children, those young enough to believe in the Easter bunny, would be listening to his press conference. Still, a nice gesture on his part. A bit of a shame that he, and others in authority, couldn't be a bit more reassuring with the voting public instead of fueling fear and anxiety. Not saying the facts shouldn't be told but perhaps more of a balance wouldn't hurt a thing. Now Governor Hogan is a Republican that publicly disavows President Trump while publicly praising him. I like Hogan although I believe he is trying to play on both sides of the fence. So far, in his administration of the state I believe it has been a good thing. His campaign centered around fiscal issues that had been instituted by Martin O'Malley the Democratic governor he defeated. If you want to win an election, go for the money and you will garner support. But I'm getting off track here.
 It's Easter morning and I'm thinking about those Easter outfits of old. I don't think getting an Easter outfit is a thing anymore. We got those new outfits for Easter, in the Springtime and those new duds made their appearance on Easter Sunday. They were what we called our " Sunday go to meeting " clothes. That's what we said when we were joking around. In my youth  everyone did dress for church. Jacket and tie at a minimum, a nice dress and gloves for the ladies. Going to church was a formal affair, you got dressed to go to the house of the Lord! That's one thing that has certainly changed over the years, today it is a far more relaxed, laid back approach, like you go to church to hang out with God. Nothing wrong with that, just different than what I was raised with. I'm certain if my church attendance had remained steady over the years I would have assimilated into this new culture of worship. Whenever I go, it still strikes me as a bit of a shock. I'm not comfortable with it. Today the doors are closed. My daughter in law will be attending church in her car. They have an improvised drive in type service. No big screen but you tune the radio to a certain frequency and the preaching begins. No one is allowed outside of their cars. It's certainly different and something that will be remembered for years to come.
 Happy Easter to all. For those of the Christian faith it is a day to be celebrated. A rebirth, a new beginning. He is Risen , indeed.    

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