Saturday, April 11, 2020


 Dreams are the shadows cast by possibilities. That is a thought I had a few years back. I'm in the habit of checking my memories page on Facebook every morning. I'm amused by the things that appear there, a little reminder of the past. It's amazing sometimes what I was thinking about or commenting on. Things that seemed of importance then sometimes forgotten today. I seem to go in bursts. For a while I was composing poems. I would post them as I wrote them and then one day, I stopped. Following the poem phase I began composing little sayings, adages, witticisms, or whatever name you wish to apply. I'd call them wisdom but wisdom is a subjective thing. You may share your wisdom to find it rejected as idiocy! As I said, a subjective thing really and not to be taken too seriously in my opinion. As of late, I haven't been composing either one. I do wonder if you run out of things, those thoughts over time. I wonder why, for instance, a person may compose several songs that are big hits, and then later on in life all they seem to do is replay those hits. Why don't they write new hits? Sure I can understand a one hit wonder, anybody can get lucky but what of the ones that wrote strings of hits. I can only assume it has to do with popular music. What's popular and hip today? At my age I really couldn't tell you, I'm still listening to the past. And what about that classical stuff? Is anyone writing symphonies anymore? If they are how come you never hear about that? I heard that Mozart was a rock star in his day.
 But back to my first line, dreams are the shadows cast by possibilities. We have all heard the adage chasing our dreams. I'd suggest that is because they are like shadows, then tend to disappear the closer we try to get to them. The longest shadows are those barely in the light. Shadows in the night conjure up frightening possibilities in the majority of us, creatures that may exist. Only by confronting those shadows will they disappear. In that disappearance fear leaves us. The same is true of other dreams and shadows. The author having his first work published has to feel nervous and a bit afraid, but if the work is accepted that disappears. Singing in public, the same thing. Our dreams are like shadows. I'm not as adept at explaining my emotion, my thoughts as others may be but I can dream. Still at times I assemble words into a phrase that is pleasing to me. Dreams are the shadow cast by possibilities is one of them. One of my dreams is to one day be quoted. Imitation is the highest form of flattery, we have all heard that and you can't deny the validity of that. I often go in search of a phrase, saying. a bit of wisdom written by another to fit with my current thinking. I do that as a form of validation. If Jefferson, Epictetus, Einstein, Locke or others agree with my thought, it must be a good one. I will then quote them. And so I think it would be quite the compliment if one day someone is searching those " quote " sites, like Brainy Quotes or Good Reads and find one there that says, A.B.Reichart.  Dreams are the shadows cast by possibilities. Dream of what is possible and you will control that. Whether that shadow proves to be fantasy or reality, you control that.
 " Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what you think of it, the tree is the real thing. " Abraham Lincoln.   

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