Wednesday, April 8, 2020

two words, two cents

 I'm going to try to keep my two cents. Yes anyone that knows me or reads these postings knows I'm not much of a saver when it comes to that, I'm always putting in my two cents. But I'm finding myself frustrated by the main stream media, frustrated about the public response to a crisis, and frustrated by life in general. Of course the problem is by mentioning that I am putting in my two cents! Yeah, that was a short lived campaign. I'm compelled to speak my piece. Well, it was just a thought.
 Another thought I had this morning concerned some of these kids and young adults today. It appears to me they haven't been raised to understand two basic concepts. The first concept is the meaning of the word no. That word apparently causes them much anxiety, sometimes require counseling. When the fidget spinners and safe spaces aren't enough, professional help is required. The very idea that they are not entitled to whatever they want, whenever they want it, or whether they can afford whatever it is, is beyond their comprehension. These are the people that sign contracts to receive loans. They agree to the terms and conditions of the loan, go to the college or university of their choice, obtain that degree in gender studies, well because their is much confusion about gender these days, then don't understand why they have to pay the loan back. They can't get a job starting at 100,000 at year and so the loan should be forgiven. When they are informed the answer to that is no, they say it's not fair.
 It's not fair is the response I used to give to the second lesson I was taught after understanding what no meant. When told no, I would ask, why not? The answer, because I said so! But that's not fair. Yes it is, I said so. In that way I was taught about authority. Yes, I learned to obey authority, or be willing to suffer the consequence. The bottom line was simple enough, if you were under the direction of a certain individual or organization you obeyed the rules. Your parents were the authority first and foremost. When you were told no, that meant no. Yes, you could appeal that decision if you did so politely, not making demands or claiming entitlement without due cause. But I did my chores. Yes , you did what was expected of you but did you do more than that? If I ran a race I didn't get a trophy for coming in last because it isn't fair the other kids can run faster than me. No, I learned that life wasn't always fair. I either run faster next time or find something else to do.
 So now I've put my two cents in once again. But I've still got an extra penny so I'm going to add this. There is more to this corona virus than meets the eye. There is far more going on here politically than I'd like to believe. It's a struggle for power and control. There are factions on both sides pulling strings, forming alliances and making deals. We'll get past this virus, everyone knows that. This virus no matter how deadly will be overcome by science. Man will survive this. And when it's over someone has to lead right? It's a lot easier to lead if you can control the population. To the victor belongs the spoils. If we can use this pandemic to convince the public the Constitution takes a back seat to safety, we will have gained ground. But don't be fooled. Fifty six men met and made a declaration. This declaration spelled out the reasons for not obeying the authority over them, namely the King of England. The very last sentence of that declaration says: " and for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor. " A good number of those same men went on to help establish the Constitution of these United States. I still place my firm reliance of divine providence to carry us through this political storm. And yes, through this pandemic. I remain resolute. I will say, NO and I will tell you why, because I said so, that's why. 

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