Thursday, April 9, 2020


 The weather took a turn yesterday and became quite warm. It was an opportunity to get the grass cut. We can still do that, so far. The only problem was stirring up some dust, grass trimmings and pollen causing my nose to run and sneezing. I sneezed once and the neighbor ran for cover! Well, I can't blame them people are a bit on edge. I wonder why that is? The news isn't pushing an agenda of fear is it? I'm thinking they are not providing much in the way of reassurance. Just another sign of the tmes in my thinking. We do tend to live in extremes these days. It seems that way to me anyway. We are either on the highest high, of the lowest low most of the time. I expect that change took place when we realized that everyday life is really rather a mundane thing. Or is it that the desire for attention has grown proportionally with the size of our world? That is to say, we are all seeking validation, just being isn't enough anymore. The squeaky wheel gets the grease is another adage to describe that.
 But anyway, after mowing the grass I decided to fire up the old charcoal grill. The gas grill was out of gas. I do prefer the charcoal grill though  and so was pleased with that. I had charcoal and lighter fluid and two whole cut chickens, a jar of sauce, and I was ready to go. Yes, it is a bit of a messy operation but I love it. You have to arrange those charcoal briquets just so to evenly distribute the heat. Oh, it's an art. If it weren't so costly, tine consuming and messy I would do it all the time. Gas grills are the answer to our modern way of doing things, convenience taking precedence. Just turn on the gas, push a little button and you have fire. Charcoal does take a while. And today I can still smell that smoke on my shirt, smells like summers' past. The chicken came out well, a little burned here and there to add crunch. It was delicious.
 Today the weather is supposed to turn again, storms moving our way with strong winds. I enjoy a good thunderstorm, wind storm or whatever. I really do enjoy a good storm, it is only the aftereffects that disturb me. As long as no one gets hurt and there isn't significant property damage, I'm good. It's rather exhilarating in fact. Makes you feel alive. I recall being out to sea during my navy days and the storms we would encounter. When a 800 foot ship is taking 35 degree rolls you know you are in a storm. Those rolls aren't from being sideways in the trough, no, the bow is breaking the waves at a 90 degree angle, the roll comes from riding up and down the waves. You get sideways in fifty foot seas and you have a real problem! Ah, but the high seas, the spray, the roll of the deck beneath your feet. Arrr, Matey's the sea is angry today.
 I'm hoping to finish up a little project I've been working on today. Following that is the cleanup. I hate the cleaning up after the project is done. I've heard it said that a cluttered workbench is a sign of a busy mind, if that's the case mine is a superhighway. Truth is looks more like a wreck! Today is also trash day. My trash is picked up by the town right in front of my house, very convenient. It's just as well, no fun in going to the dump anymore. I remember the days when the dump was just that, a hole in the ground were you dumped your trash, no matter what that trash was. It was like a scavenger hunt! I did enjoy the dump then. Now we have a row of fiberglass igloos labeled with the contents. And worse than that, signs posted saying you are not allowed to take anything out of the dump. I can't take someone else's trash? What's up with that? If I want it, it's treasure. Oh well, another sign of the times, throw it away and leave it thrown away. It can only be recycled when someone else stands to make a profit. No consumer recycling allowed.
 That's today's agenda. Since I had my heart attack I have taken up an exercise regime. That's if you can call twenty minutes of exercise every other day a regimen. I purchased a rowing machine and I like that. Hey, something is better than nothing. Today is an exercise day. The wife already did hers and now it is my turn. We encourage each other to just get it done. The truth is neither one of us are much on exercising. We would rather work outdoors or do some other activity. Exercising for the sake of exercise is a bit boring to me. My daughter in law gave me some Bluetooth headphones for Christmas and I listen to Spotify music while rowing. Three or four songs, depending, and I've reached twenty minutes. Stay safe, have a good day. " Life tends to be an accumulation of mundane decisions, which often gets ignored. " ( David Bryne ) 

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