Friday, April 3, 2020

where did you get that?

 This morning I thought I would share a family anecdote, something to give you a chuckle. I'm thinking we have all heard enough gloom and doom. It doesn't mean anything, no underlying message or lesson.
 So, anyway Aunt Edith, name changed to save embarrassment, was working in her kitchen one day when her daughter comes in. She had been outside playing hopscotch on the front walk. She comes in tracking dirt across the kitchen floor. Aunt Edith looks up and scolds her. Of course, Barbara her daughter, again fictionalized, just stands there and stares at her. But Aunt Edith is a kind soul and just smiles back at her and notices Barbara is chewing something. She scolds her again saying, you're chewing that stuff like an old cow, how unladylike! What is that anyway? Chewing gum is the answer. Well, what kind? It's grape. So Aunt Edith says, give me a piece. Well Barbara says I don't have anymore I put the whole thing in my mouth. Break me off a little piece then. Barbara does that, pulling a chewed up piece off the wad in her mouth. Aunt Edith pops it in her mouth and begins to chew saying this tastes pretty good, where did you get it? Found it on the sidewalk is the answer. You mean you found a pack of gum on the sidewalk? Not exactly Mom, it was already chewed but whoever chewed it must have been done with it!
 Needless to say Aunt Edith was gagging by this time and spitting that stuff out as fast as he could. Yelling at her daughter and running to the bathroom for Listerine! Like I said, a little family anecdote. 

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