Thursday, April 16, 2020

life goes on

 I'm sitting here and it is close to six o'clock, I feel like I'm behind schedule. That's strange because being retired I have no schedule. Guess that is one of life's little ironies. When you are young and working you have to be certain places on time, it is expected, no demanded of you, you have a difficult time getting there on time. You remember how it was, always running a little late to get to work. During my Navy days that was of paramount importance, being on time. Even one minute late, was late and subject to punishment up to and including 45 days of restriction and half your pay for three months! Yes, that is the maximum the Captain can give you for an infraction. You learn to be on time but still find yourself rushing to meet it. Now I'm retired, no one to say when or where I have to be, well except for the wife, the Captain of the ship although she does allow me to wear the hat, and I often feel like I'm running behind, late for something. I haven't quite reached the Doctors appt stage of stress and anxiety but it is getting closer. Reminds me I need to call my oncologist about an upcoming appt. But I'm not worried about it. I've noticed some seniors, I'm only a junior senior myself, plan weeks ahead for a doctors visit. My mother is one of them, I can't go anywhere today I have a doctors appt in three days! 
 Composing these blogs has become a habit. I do them almost automatically, I'm sure you can tell by reading some of them, not a lot of thought went into it. As a result if I don't start writing something early in the morning I do get a feeling I'm missing something. It's similar to not having coffee, not as serious, but a distraction. It's a rare occasion when I dismiss it. I have done so when hospitalized, my computer was broken and even when I just wasn't " feeling " it. The morning news is usually playing in the background and influences me. I try to ignore it but when they start in with something stupid I can't help it. The last stupid statement I heard was there was no school shootings in the month of March. First time in almost two decades! Also the first time in almost two decades that there has been no school in the month of March but don't let that diminish the headline. Yeah, the gunman didn't have any bullets so he didn't shoot anybody either! Well, as I said it can be a distraction. 
 The plan today is to mow the grass. Yes, that has begun here in Greensboro, we are, after all the Green Garden county. It is going to be a bit chilly but I have to get it done. Next week the temps are supposed to soar. I'm all for it. Really the grass is at my sons house but I cut it. He doesn't really have the time to mess with that, he and his wife are busy all the time. I've got the time so what the heck. Fresh air and sunshine, a little bit of work never hurt anyone. Not my grass but I have assumed responsibility and so feel, well, responsible. Strange isn't it? Well life is a bit of a mystery. I do believe in karma and what goes around, comes around. The last two years I've also been cutting his neighbors grass. Mr. Dill is 89 years old and can't really do it himself anymore, although he would certainly be out there trying if I didn't intervene. I just keep on mowing across both yards. I know that he really appreciates it and that is all I need to know. Like I said, I believe in karma, you did get what you sow. Anyway, that's the plan for today, mow the grass. Stay safe out there. Life goes on. Oh yeah, my son, his wife, and my granddaughter are all essential workers! My grandson is still taking his college courses online. So not much has changed in that regard. As I said, life goes on. And tomorrow morning I'll need to write another blog. It's a good thing. 

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